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Controlled hunts are out!!!!
Lets hear what tags you drew!!!! I drew my unit 18 archery only bull hunt. Going to be a great year.
That is going to be a great hunt. I wish you the best of luck.

I drew for unit 27 deer, Nov 1 - Nov 18. Should be a very fun hunt. I've done that hunt before and it was a blast.

I also drew for 16X, along with my wife and brother. Which means we should be bringing home a truck load of deer on that trip........ if all goes well.

Did not draw my lope tag...... again........ that about 15 years straight I can't seem to draw for those buggers..... oh well.[Smile]
Gosh. I'm surprised how few people are excited about this. [shocked] Everyone must be too busy fishing.[fishin]
Pulled a rifle buck hunt that should be fun. Missed the muzzloader lope so it will be a bow hunt. Looking forward to it.
tried for early bow antelope but got the late unlimited.

My wife drew 45 doe. that should be an easy one for her.

My daughter drew nothin. I was hoping for 44 rifle for her. But there is a bright side. I got her a bow this year and she will be 100% ready for the 39 bow season.

Averys. what rifle buck did you get?
Got my unlimited archery antelope like I do every year, missed on the archery deer tag, wife got her cow tag again,
I drew a either sex deer tag for Island Park . Opened for a month .
[quote fish-o-holic]Averys. what rifle buck did you get?[/quote]

Oh you know, that one over there [crazy]
Sorry but I don't talk about hunting areas to much.
Not amused!
Wife n I drew our extra cow elk tag!!!! YAY im way excited! First time ever putting in on a draw.
[quote dma_ayotte]Wife n I drew our extra cow elk tag!!!! YAY im way excited! First time ever putting in on a draw.[/quote]

That seems to happen very often. You draw, first time out. Don't be surprised if you don't draw again for a long time. [Sad]
Ya thats what ive been told. Thats ok though! It'll be fun this yr!
After putting in the draws for 33-yrs straight I drew my second tag ever, first was an Antelope tag 6 yrs ago......
This year I drew a 44 buck tag.
We put in for a group hunt and pulled 4 tags.
None of us have spent much time in 44,
Went Scouting yesterday, sure is some nice looking country, looking forward to the hunt, if I can't find a 190" plus buck it will be tag soup, no compromise..
Waited way to long to draw a premium tag
to take anything less..
Cool for you.[cool] I guess I shouldn't feel so bad that after 15 years I haven't drawn that hunt. That is the one I wanted.
I too drew the either sex Island Park deer tag open for a month. I'm excited.
74Moose 12 years

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