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ivers End Tackle Report
September 27, 2013

[center]Best Bites[/center]
Striped Bass - I should be saying the Fall Run is well underway with blitzing bass, but that would be a big lie. Reports from Cape Cod and north still have good amounts of bass. Don't wait for it to get better, this may be the "Fall Run". The Race is still a decent night run with eels. We haven't heard from the night bite at Hatchetts and Bartletts, it's time and worth checking. There have been some small daytime hits of surface feeding bass mostly in RI. There has been some action at Bartletts and Hatchetts with surface feeding schoolies. Surfcasters on the Eastern Connecticut Shore have had a good week.
Bunker are leaving the estuaries and schools are being spotted along the beaches from Westbrook to Charlestown, some adult and heading east peanuts. Hickory shad have made one of their best showing in years.
Bluefish - Blues and big ones are still in the Connecticut River munching on bunker and hickory shad. There have been some on the surface at Cornfield and Hatchetts. Race Point and Harkness have some hanging near the rocks.
Snapper Blues - Dwindling but still hanging in I think to the lack of storms, who knows. The Causeway has had a mix of snappers, hickory shad and small stripers all mixed in hitting small metal and jigs.
Fluke - No reports this week but I'm sure there are a few around for the most stubborn fluker.
The Tri-Shop Fluke Contest is over, there was entry money left over so we're paying 6 places instead of 3, and we upped 2nd and 3rd prizes.
1st - Steve Barron - 11.85#
2nd - Glen Rokicki - 11.40#
3rd - Joe Guliano - 10.95#
4th - Rich Reicherl - 10.70#
5th - Sam Dibner - 9.95#
6th - Tom Bongo Jr. - 9.70#
Porgies - Same as last week. Good sizes and spread out to most rock piles.
Blue Crabs - We're near the end of the run where the crabs will be heading to the channels before they leave. Still some in shallow waters but try to finish up in the channels.
Bonito, False Albacore - Things are tough all over. We're getting a random report from RI and Fishers but more reports of anglers putting on a lot of miles with squat to show. There are some unconfirmed reports this morning of albies at Montauk we'll try to follow up on that later, call us for the latest info.
Blackfish - Season closed in CT until Oct. 10, but it's open in RI. Our 3 shop contest will be back this season with $1000 first place.

- Switching to Early Fall Hours Sept. 15th.
[center]Mon to Fri - 6am to 6pm
[center]Sat- 5am to 5pm
Sun - 5am to 4pm


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Rivers End Tackle
440 Boston Post Road
Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475

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