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maybe overworked.. question about my lab
I took my AKC yellow lab out duck hunting this morning did a wonderful job retrieving ducks for my friends and I.. I brought him home he was fine I left with my wife and daughter to go to black island farm.. great place by the way.. anyways come home and my dog is walking ok he is favoring his back legs noticed a hard lump next to his spine straight up from his back legs the lump is tennis ball size.. any ideas what it could be?. He is in a lot of pain im trying to have him hold still but he keeps moving because he is uncomfortable and hurting.. thank you guys that have dogs he is only 2 years and would hate for it to get worse
Probable a hematoma ( collection of blood). Can't think of anything else that would get that big so quickly assuming nothing was there this morning. Did your dog knock into anything hard falling? I'd go see a vet to confirm. If it is one it might need to be drained if it's that big and affecting his legs.
There was nothing there this morning i was going to let him relax tomorrow and take him to the vet on monday.. cant afford a expensive vet bill right now gave him some meds hopefully it helps I dont think he fell on anything hard I keep a pretty good eye on him out hunting.. mans best friend thats for sure
I'd avoid rimadyl (a nonsteriodal commonly used for dogs), ibuprofen, naproxen and aspirin. All can increase bleeding. If you gave a dose I wouldn't worry too much, just wouldn't give any more. Tylenol ( acetaminophen) or pain meds in combination with tylenol are safer if this turns out to be a hematoma. Good luck with your dog.
I would be super careful with Tylenol in your dog. It needs to be used under vet supervision, as it can be toxic and fatal to your pooch.

Hematoma is a possibility. Abscess is another. Can't think of anything else that would form that quickly.
Cats can't have tylenol. Canine dosing is widely available online. It can kill humans too if dosed incorrectly. Seems really fast for an abscess to go from unrecognized to tennis ball size in a shorter hair dog.

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