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Daniel Tn, Chickamauga, Crappie, 10-28, Dad
Dad and I made it down to WolfT today around 10:30. The weather man got it wrong again...if it hit 60 today, I sure didn't feel it. It was cold, with a steady wind, and we sat through about 4 different rain/mist showers. <br /><br />This was our 3rd trip to Crappie Haven. Water is falling...was down quite a bit more than where it was last week when I was there. Water temps were in the low 60s....very clear water too...clear to me anyway. <br /><br />All 3 times we've been down there...we've not found fish in the same place on any given day. Last week we found them on the roadbeds. Today...we didn't catch a single fish off any roadbed that we tried, although there must be a lot of folks that read my report from last week...was a bunch of crappie fisherman following that road bed I talked about. We made our way into a community hole that always gets boat traffic fishing on it...just to give it a scan to see what was there. We saw a few schools of bait fish and some gulls diving on them...but all we caught there were those little yellow stripe, and two stray short crappie. No real excitement there...except for having a boat about run over us that went between our boat and another boat that was fishing the bank. It cut right through the middle of us, and was probably a half cast distance away from our boat. We've figured out that folks down that way wont hesitate to drive right up on ya. Especially if they see you catch a fish.<br /><br />We made our way towards WolfT bridge and I had a big fish on that broke me off. I tied on another crankbait and caught another fish that I'm pretty sure was the same species as what broke me off....ole DrumKing's favorite fish. Anyway we were getting ready to leave...without a single keeper crappie and decided to just drive around and do some scanning with the sonar. We found a spot in about 25' of water that held the "mega school" of crappie. We marked the edges of this school and I'm not kidding was over 150 yards long, and you couldn't hardly throw in there without getting bit. We boated 10 keepers but lost just as many that came unhooked when they came to the top. They were hitting real short...almost just putting slack in the line. I had one really nice one get off. This we found, in the last 45 minutes or so of day light. I've never seen a school of crappie that large was crazy big. Oddly....there wasn't anything down there that we could see that they were relating too. The only difference we saw, was a slight hump, but the difference in the bottom was maybe 5 feet. Didn't see any stumps...and just a few pods of baitfish. Not sure whether these fish were just following baitfish or what the deal was. Most all the keepers were 11" exactly. Didn't seem to matter what the color was...if it moved, they were hitting it.<br /><br />

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