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Roberts Gravel Pond and DIY Ice Spud
It was a decent day out on the ice, very solid and no wind for most of the time I was fishing. Had to find a hole that wasn't frozen over too much so I could punch a hole through with a hammer and chisel. I think I have convinced my wife that I need an auger.

Caught a few tiny perch then used the eyes and some meat to catch three trout, one of them as I was gathering my things to leave. Released the smaller one and kept two that were 12 inches. Had one on the line while I was talking on the phone and lost it. It was a bit erratic in its pulling so maybe one of the catfish they released? I could have pulled in more perch, but I didn't really switch my jigs and bait as much as I should have.
Overall it was pretty fun hour+ and didn't get cold until the wind picked up. I got down on the ice a few times so I could watch the perch chase my jig but the water wasn't as clear as it has been in the past. One fish had mostly snails in its stomach, the other had quite a few maggots or some other white larva.
[Image: 45md.jpg]
Nice day!

Anyone tried Mud Lake?
I'll post this here rather than a new thread. Had so much fun on Roberts that on our way home to Boise my wife and I stopped at McTucker and tried out my brand new DIY ice spud.

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My dad helped me weld it and figured we should have the rototiller tine for stability. Worked pretty well, Mctucker had 8 or so inches of ice on it. I punched a couple of holes, saw fish on my sonar, and then realized that I forgot to get my new fishing license for 2014, so it ended up being a very short day on the ice.

Saw a few people drive around, and one guy was on the same pond with his kids, so hopefully someone was able to get into some fish and enjoy themselves.
Thing looks hardcore, something you'd chase zombies around with.

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