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Taking scouts to Hyrum Saturday, any help?
We are taking a group of boy scouts to Hyrum this Saturday. I would really like to get them into some fish. Many of them have never caught any fish of any kind before. With my bad luck at Mantua with my kids last week, I am looking for some help to do a bit better on this trip. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. We are staying in the cabins at the state part Friday night. We are planning to start fishing close to there, but we are definitely willing to move or start somewhere else if it will help us out.

Thanks for the help,

Hyrum is easy, just walk over to the closest mass of people, wich
Shouldn't be to far from your cabins , pending on your depth, fish a foot off the bottom if shallow, if deep, fish 15' down.....

Plenty of slimmers in there for your scouts!!!
Awesome! That is the hope! Any suggestions on jig types, colors, baits, etc.?

Use a small jig with a piece of Shrimp, night crawler or meal worm will work. The bite is best early then tapers off but still active as the day goes on. The boys should have fun. lots of little perch the keep them entertained.
Was just up there. We found a bunch of small bows and perch up by the inlet in 15 ft of water. Or best set up was a small white jig head with a maniac cut'r bug in gow tipped with a meal Suspend it a for from the bottom if you don't mind catching perch or about 6 feet up catch more bow's. Both species were biting super light so I was using a small spring bobber to see the bite. Also two small suspended pink/glow rat finkies with a wax worm produced a few doubles with perch. we did best from 8 am to 1pm.
I've usually "launched" at the beach area, and headed towards the inlet, or fished along the north shore - east from the beach. But you see folks all over.

Tend to start shallower early (dawn, pre dawn) then work deeper as morning progresses. Having a fish finder helps lots. The perch will likely school up, while the trout tend to come through in waves.

Small jigs, glow is always good. Green, Red/Pink, White.

I like to rig with a Kastmaster, no hook - then a jig or two maybe 4-6 inches below.
Go to the inlet
Thanks for all the help everyone. I'll do my best to get a report on here after our trip Saturday.


Thanks to everyone for their awesome suggestions! We had a blast with the scouts! With 11 of us fishing for a few hours we caught 60+ fish. Almost all of the boys caught their first ever ice-fishing fish, and several of them caught their first fish ever! We mostly caught small trout (10" - 13") with a few very small perch mixed in. Two of us did catch a 17" brown each, although they looked like they had had the crap beaten out of them in the hatchery all their lives!

What a great trip! I am still waiting to get some of the pictures. I will try to post some when I get them.

Thanks again for all the help!


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