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New user here at BFT and fairly new to Utah. I've been lurking and reading for a few days and I like the info I've seen. This is my first ice season in Utah, but I have all the equipment. I'm looking to hit the water hard. My question is about walleyes. I'm originally from WI so walleyes are pretty much a part of my DNA. I've done a lot of reading and research and from what I gather, Starvation and Willard seem to be the only places near the SL area with walleyes. Am I wrong? Will I have to travel to Idaho or other destinations for 'eyes? Any info would be a help. Not looking for a hotspot, just a nudge in the right direction!
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Utah Lake as well.
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They're in Deer Creek as well. Gotta remember that live minnows are illegal. Walleyes through the ice are pretty tough to catch for most folks in Utah.
[red]⫸[/red][orange]<{[/orange][yellow]{{[/yellow][green]{[/green][size 4][green]⦇[/green][/size][blue]°>[/blue]
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Did not know they were in DC and Utah Lake as well. Catchable numbers? Worth the effort? I know live minnows are illegal in UT but walleyes can be caught with various things tipped with dead minnows. Another question though, isn't bait caught out of a particular lake legal as live bait as long as it is not transported to another lake?
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There are a few eyes in Sulfur Creek, just over the Wy border, that were introduced by bucket biologists some years back. A friend of mine caught one about 18 inches a few weeks ago. You may do well. I worked with a guy about 4 years ago, that knew how to catch them on open water, and he would target and catch them pretty regularly.
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Welcome to BFT and Utah! Also red fleet and yuba has a small number. And for your question about live bait. No live bait period.
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I may throw that tip in the bank. Bucket biologist have drastically altered a lot of water in a lot of places. I would love to find a place that was natural or managed for walleye production. I know I may be a little far west for that. But I know there are a few places out this way that may have some of these tasty critters left
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Roger that. Chunks of bait can be used, but not nearly as effective as a live minnow. To good reason though. Live bait is a good way to spread disease.
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I can't think of one single Reservoir in Utah that is managed exclusively for Walleye. If it ain't trout or Sterile there is not much of a management plan.
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Lake powell has walleye's as well, just not much for ice though.
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[inline 907286_636355106391182_343714530_n.jpg]Utah lake is by far the best IMO and although live bait is not legal there is a few great options here is a few pic from just last year and just Utah lake if I remember right
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[inline 374481_618399458186747_690083158_n.jpg]one through the ice
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a boys night out[inline 908885_639361232757236_637130378_n.jpg]
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every one is always talking white tube for about every thing these work so much better [inline imgres.jpg]next best thing to live bait
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Walleye jumping? Haven't seen that a whole lot before. Thanks for the info though. Will be checking it out
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Ya he was one aggressive guy in the summer time on the provo river.
Walleye fishing is slow as well most lakes are frozen now so no big rush unless if you going out on the ice for them.
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Your big eye through the ice is a hog, not sure I have ever seen one that fat. Did you measure the length and girth on that pig? Didn't know you were a walleye guy.
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I would really like to get out and ice a few