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Latest and greatest Scofield tips
I'm heading up for my annual (singular) Ice Fishing trip this Saturday.

We're probably headed to Scofield but could try Strawberry, Deer Creek, or any of the other lakes an hour and change from the POM.

Assuming it is Scofield, what's the latest and greatest report from up there on what is working? I have read the reports and it sounds like a mixed bag.

Please feel free to PM me any tips that may make a newbie trip successful.

I'll be there friday night to saturday (all night baby!) with a small group of scouts. I think we'll start out around the dam, seems like that's been the most consistent area from reports this season so far.

As far as what's going to work, sounds like the smaller you go the more chubs you'll get into so most guys have been using slightly larger lures ie tube jigs and the like.

I'm going to set up my cot inside my tent and fish through the night, I'm thinking of picking up a bell or something for my rod and tying on something huge (like a 6" chub) for when I try and get some sleep...maybe a scofield monster will wake me [Smile].

I'll have my black cabelas tent and a couple camo jet sleds, come say Hi if you're in the area!
My brother fished around the island last Friday and I fished it Saturday. Friday between two guys they caught around 50-60 fish. Not a lot of size but plenty of action. Saturday there was 5 of us 2 being first timers. Total I would say about 20 fish which I was glad to get considering the amount of people and noise on the lake that day. We squeezed into the last opening around the island and then groups began stacking in around that. Snowmobiles, quads, dune buggies, and mayhem. Considering all the commotion I felt good about getting the fish we did and I didn't see any catching around us at all.

Now for the details:

Fish are shallow - At one point I was fishing in 3' of water an never deeper than 8' tucked right up against the north end of the island.

Most successful bait was a glow maniac 1.5" cutter bug tipped with chub and spraying with a bit of shrimp Yum scent. If you don't have fresh chub, crawler was second best. A couple on various other things and meal worm but not much.

Bite varied from super light to medium so watch closely and use a spring bobber.

You should have an excellent day if you can avoid the crowds and noise.

Good luck
Thanks for the tips!

I will stop by and say Hi if we hit the dam side -- and I'm guessing we will start in that area.

And it sounds like getting there early is a premium on Saturdays.

Thanks Again.

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