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pelican lake ?
Hey its been a long time since I have hit pelican lake the last time was way back in December. the fishing was good but haven't made it back down there yet.

I was wondering if anyone has been down there lately if so could you please let me know how the ice is holding up? and how the edges are right now can you get a 4 wheeler on the ice or do you need some boards?
any info would be great thank you and good luck fishing
It isn't Pelican, but for what it's worth Steinaker has soft edges with 20" of good main ice. I went through the edge ice getting on today at 8:00 a.m. Coming off at 1:00 was interesting I had a short board and didn't get wet but the ice was close to breaking and the last 2 feet was open. Not sure what the filling status is at Pelican and if the edge ice is bad. Sorry I can't help you beyond that. Temps down have been in the mid to upper 40's for the past several days. Things are changing rapidly.
hey thanks a lot for the update fishnate im planning on going down to try it out Saturday or sunday IF the ice is still good crazy weather here to its been raining for 4 hours straight. thanks for the info good luck fishing

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