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Braid question for bass?
I've normally just used fluoro for my bass fishing but want more feel on the bottom contact especially when a bit deeper water and not as much stretchy feeling. I've never used braid and was curious about an all purpose sorta set up? I'm not fishing real heavy cover but a few bushes to pull through,working around rocks and what not. I'd be throwing mainly 1/2 to 3/4 ounce stuff on a Medium heavy rod and I'd like to be able to make some decent length casts,, so I don't want too heavy of a line setup. Just off the top of my head I was thinking 20 lb braid and a 12-14 lb fluoro leader? not sure on how you calculate braid to fluoro leader generally. thanks for any help or tips.
Depending on the brand of braid I believe 20 lbs is equal to 8 lbs dia.. is you want to us a blood line knot you wand the braid and flor to be the same or it will break at the knot. Atleats has for me.. if you use a swivel its just fine. Fishing bass tournament for a few years I have fished from 10- 50 lbs braid but all depends on application... hope this helps..
Are you fishing it on a spinning reel or casting? If you are using a spinning reel DEFINITELY check out Berkley Nanofil. I won't use anything else on my spinning setups anymore. Has the sensitivity of braid, no stretch, awesome strength, and tiny diameter for the strength. It is also very slick so it casts much farther than either braid or fluoro.
I'm using a baitcaster...
hadn't heard of using the same lb braid and same lb leader.....but for line to line ties I'm more comfortable with the uni to uni knot
20lb braid is a good starting point - i like to use powerpro or spiderwire but there are many good brands out there . uni-to-uni knot works great for the leader - the knot will be strongest if the diameter on the 2 lines are similiar. i always go with a much lighter line on the flouro leader unless fishing for toothy ones - 8 or 12lb fluoro on the end of 20lb braid will suffice for most applications in bass fishing unless your raking a frog through some slop or something of that nature, which requires beefing up the braid
what about backing? I bought some 20 lb power pro and I have some 6lb mono I planned on using for backing, does it really matter the size of the mono backing? also I have a wiffle type spool, the ones with the holes, I heard if you tied the braid in the hole you don't need backing? is that true? I'd use backing just to save on braid tho.
When using braid I like to match the diameter of mono or fluoro that I'm used to feeling under my thumb. Don't worry about the lb strength, worry about the line diameter. When using my long bomb rod that has braid on it with a fluorocarbon leader I match the diameter of the braid to the diameter of the leader.
But, that's just me.
are you talking matching the diameter for backing as well? also how well would electrical tape do compared to a mono backing?
I've tried all the combos and now I just use 15 lb braid and no backing. Every once in awhile run it to another reel to use the good end.
I used to use flouro, but know I'm completely braid, with flouro leader. I do about two rod lengths of leader.

I use 30lbs braid with a 10 -12lbs flouro leader. It will do everything you want to do on a baitcaster, and it bombs way out there. You will be blown away by the senstitivity. It's awesome.
what are you doing for backing? tape or mono?
I use mono for backing. Just cheap stuff I have laying around about 20lb test to get to where I think the spool needs to be for filling it up with enough braid.

Best knot for connecting the braid to the flouro is the uni knot

Here's a link to a good diagram of how to tie it:

Let me know how you like it!

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