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HFT Class
How did the class go? My schedule got messed up and I couldn't go.
It actually turned out smaller than I expected. [unsure]you missed out on the donuts!

but there will be 20 ice fisherman out there ripping in the fish.
does that number include me and polo there James
Hi James, my schedule also go honked up, had the birthday dinner to go to and running around by the time I was set to go it was 8 PM and you'd all be gone by then.

Why don't you post you notes for the rest of us who could not go for some reason or another.

I can't go to the ice off either and I'm not a happy camper about it. But there will be opportunities before the end of the year to head out on the hard stuff.

iff fly aint going I aint going.....I wanted salsa dangit

When I get ready to head up someplace I'll let you all know and I will definitely bring the salsa.
Thanks James. Enjoyed the class and learned a couple new things about ice fishing. Donuts were great, and of course I couldn't leave your store without buying some more tackle and meal worms.

As far as fewer people showing up than was expected -- got to remember, "when it is all said and done there is typically more said than done" (or something like that).
[cool]Chester, James's class was excellent! I learned quite a bit, and the donuts were great, and I picked up my bait for Saturday at Lost Creek, and got a killer map of Strawberry there. We're gonna slay 'em at Lost Creek, and from what James said, the fish are bigger this year with many of them in the upper teens (in inches).
I so wish that I could have been there. I was planning on it until Wed night when the wife informed me of her plans (apparently they always take authority over mine.) :-)

I am still planning on getting together with all of you for your on the ice clinic tomorrow. Is the plan still Lost Creek? Do we know for sure that there is a safe ice cap? Where are we meeting and at what time? Can I get my car in there? I'm looking forward to putting some more faces to names. I might even get my wife to tag along. :-)

The class will be meeting at Lost Creek at 8:00 in the parking lot by the dam. The road is dry up to the parking lot, no problem for cars. I drove my truck down the boat ramp to the ice today. I ice was 5”-6” thick. Fishing was off and on. We mostly caught 10”-12” fish. James plans on having the class by the dam.
Hey, Paul, you take that truck where you shouldn't, then. I'll take it off your hands and treat it right. Oh, yeah, the ATV on the back needs to come my way, too.[Wink]
It's a Chevy and it can handle whatever you need it to.
[red][size 3]I enjoyed your class, thanx muches! I hope my guppy wasn't to disrupting but I was desperate. I'd hoped to meet some more of ya'll but we had to take off a bit early. Another day. [/size][/red]

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