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outboard mech.
[mad] fishing trip to starvy a bust. 2 out board motors puked on me. first one needs new impeller. second one 4stroke no power needs carb cleaned. back to fishing long trip did not even get line wet. maybe check motors first would have been a good idea, anyway any one no a good outboard mech around utah county?
Sucks, but how do you not start your motor at home prior to going to the lake?
aircooled and 2 strokes are the way to go if your looking for reliability,but yea sometimes i run the motors before a trip..sometimes
[inline tanaka.JPG]
Well thats too bad. How old are the motors and what brand name are they? Geezer does repairs on older motors but if you want to take it to a marina try Lee's marina in Hyrum. I've had both of them work on my boat motors and they both do good work.
Kirkham's in AF has a kid named Kotter that works on outboards plus sews covers and stuff. I am getting a new cover and he is going to check my voltage regulators and put in a new impeller while Chase sews the cover. Let you know how he does !!
How soon do you need them done?
I had to call in sick so I could go to Lake Powell!
[Wink] thanks for all the replies. i think me and my buddy will clean the carb on the 4 stroke he said the high speed jet is varnished. i still will have to have a mech put impeller on the 2 stroke evenrude 18hp 1966 oldie. also the reason i did not run them first was a last minute trip and run great when they were put away for winter. fuel drained stored indside. no hurry on the 2 stroke i might just try using the 2.6hp on my 14ft aluminum.
If you're local, I'd help you swap out your impeller. It's a very quick and easy fix. You could even do it, just do a little studying online, youtube has great tutorials on impeller change outs.
there's a guy that is the head mech for eirther petersens or the boat place off of hill field road. he works out of his house up off harrison in his part time. he did an outstanding job for me last year and was very reasonible. sorry i don't remember his name, but I got it off this website from another member. If you're out there and remember this guys name, please forward, he's a great mech
Jones Marine in Payson
Go west on Utah Ave out of Payson and the shop is on the right in the storage unit area. They're the same family that had Eagle Marine in Provo forever.
check youtube, i swapped my impeller out in less than a half hour on a 15 hp evenrude fast twin.
pm if you need help, im in pg

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