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Kayak Fishing on Mead??
I am looking for information on kayak fishing on Mead. I am losing the battle with my wife on purchasing a boat but I should be able to swing buying a kayak.

Any information as to who goes out on Mead to kayak fish and where they launch from and how their success is would be great.
There are a few 'yakkers around here. I like them due to being cheap, clean and quiet. But they are slow and can be a workout. I launch at Government Wash because I live close to it. But if you can get wet, you can launch a kayak, no need to seek out a ramp.
[cool] I also launch from gov't wash. The paddling from there is nice and you can hit a lot of different areas. Another place to launch would be boulder harbor or from the beach at hemenway. It may take a longer paddle to reach likely fishing areas but very easy to get to.
Fishing has been slow for me so far this year but I know things are just starting to get better.
Good luck on your quest and post up your trips.
Never been a kayak, but take my canoe all the time. Crawdad, boxcar, government, each and c allville are all fairly easy to launch out of. Wind is the big enemy though. I usually stay in big coves so I can coast to shore if wind pops up.
I have only shore fished from Boxcar and crawdad and I know it wouldn't be hard to launch from there just didn't know if it was common or even a good idea to attempt kayak fishing at mead.

Thanks for the info.
XJFISHERMAN . I fish Mead on a Kayak . I used to just shore fish , then float tube , now its a combo of shore and kayak . i have a two wheel drive truck so i am limited by some of the trails i choose to explore , but with a kayak i have launched from Govt wash , 8 mile , Boulder beach area , Kingman Wash , Echo , Calville , Stewarts pt and some parts of Lake Mojave . It usually comes down to how far i want to drive & how soon do i want to be fishing or in the water , you almost have no limits as to where you want to go with little or no problem getting in and out of the water. I feel totally safe in my kayak out on the lake , the one true hazard to me is the weather, i have been hit by two different wind storms one that became a challenge to get where i needed to be , so in questionable weather conditions i stay on the same side of the lake as my truck is parked. As far as a good idea to fish from kayak , I wanted access to those coves i could see across the cove i was at , i wanted to get close to the striper boils i could see from shore , ect. If you go fish lake Mead on a regular basis i say get your Kayak , if you think your Kayak will spend more time on the shady side of your house on your days off than it would on the lake then maybe pass . I catch fish man , maybe not all off the kayak but from a shore that i was only able to get to because of the yak.
Good luck fishing man !!!!
Dude any way to get out on the lake will open up options to get more fish. I've caught huge fish on the yak, fun ride.
Thanks fellas for the motivations and info. I went out to Bass Pro and bought a brand new FS12T kayak. I made a cart out of pvc piping and hope to be on the water this Friday since I don't work. I hope the weather is nice and not to windy. I agree with the weather comment. I have some friends who have lived here longer and mentioned the same thing. They also said to monitor it thru the day because it can change quickly. Either way I am stoked to get out on the water!![fishin]. I have only LMB fished in the past and now need to learn how to striper fish.

Hope to see some of you guys out on the water or maybe we can link up and I can learn some other areas on the lake or even pick up a thing or two of do's and donts.

Here are a couple of pics.
Damn, I am sorry I just saw this thread. I am thinking about buying a kayak and the only fishing kayak I would buy is a Hobie Pro Angler. The mirage pedal drive system is AWESOME!! A buddy and I just went down to San Diego this past weekend to demo them and fish at the same time (see other thread I posted). They are expensive, but hands down the best fishing vessel out there...

Check out their blog...I am on the front page with my halibut catch (I am the one with the goatee & blue/white hat).

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