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jmergen, Chickamauga, Bass, 4/29, Self
Snuck out yesterday about noon for a few hours. Water 69 degrees. Fished shakeyheads with purple roboworms again and had another great day. Didn't boat anything huge , but caught 18 fish, a dozen or so were spotted bass. Very agressive, most caught in 2-6 feet fishing timber blowdowns. Many fish were busting the surface, but couldn't get them to hit a surface bait. A couple did bite plastic worm thrown to them after busting.<br /><br />Had a big fish break off at the hook. 5 casts later in same spot hooked a hog(not sure species) which came off after 30 secs or so . Not long after got a hit at the boat and saw the biggest smallmouth I have seen fishing ever(I have caught them over 8 lbs) come up with the tail of my bait in its mouth, just not the hook..<br /><br />2nd day in row that I went through a whole bag of plastic.. Had so much fun that I took boat out, went home had early dinner with wife , then back out again from 5-8. Caught a few more, saw several big hog LM cruising shallows. Couldn't get them to bite. They were eating something off surface, almost wish I had fly rod with me as it looked like a fly or insect they were eating...<br /><br />Waiting to see if it will rain so I can sneak out again today Smile<br /><br />Jim

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