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Jmax, Nick, Shellmound, Bass, pre-fishing for the CFF, 5/3/14, solo
Started off rough, I forgot my phone and did not realize it until I was there. emoBang James was suppose to meet me there so I went to that new place there off the highway and called him from there. He told me he had something come up and would not be able to make it. emoBang Then when I finally get to the ramp I am launching the boat by myself and while walking out on the trailer my dang foot slipped off it and went right into the water. emoBang Had one cold foot all morning. Sad That made one short foot and one cold foot. emoLaugh Right as I was about to take off here comes Earl Westbrook doing the same thing I was doing. Doing a little pre-fishing for the up and coming CFF this next weekend. emoEvil <br /><br />I really could just put "Ditto" and refer to the Chick trip I had Thursday. It was about the same thing. Bass seemed all over from shallow to deep. None wanted any part of my top water and I thought they would down there. emoBooHoo I tried cranks and traps also and could not even get a smell. Had to go back to the same program I was doing on the chick. Slow it way down and use plastics. I again rotated between a Texas Rig and a Shakey. Put 14 bass in the boat. 13 of them were largemouth and one pretty smallie. I think it was lost. emoCrazy The smallie was only 16.5 inches but it put up a really nice fight and had some really pretty colors. Out of the 13 LM I had seven keepers. My best two were 3/4 and 3/1. I also had a 2/12 and a couple more solid twos. Had somewhere around 13 1/2 to 14 lbs. emoThumbsup I felt good about my day and when I got back to the landing at 3 o'clock there was a tournament there weighing in. It took only 12/12 to win it so that made me feel even better about my day. emoDance <br /><br />Water temp ranged from 64 to 69 where I went, again I fished from 2 foot to about 15 foot. The shallowest fish I caught was about four foot. None seemed to be up in the really skinny water. Looking forward to this next weekend and hope to see a good turnout. Lots of bass being caught but from what I saw not a lot of size. emoScratch Jmax<br /><br />(Sorry, did not have my phone to take any pictures. emoRolleyes )

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