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EricM, Chick, no shad at the nuke, 5-5-14
<br /> Well, I thought I'd get out and find some shad today. Duh, nope. Threw the net at schools of baitfish as much as I cared to. They must be small minnows, because they went through the net. I was hoping to get onto what look like stacked-up white bass schools - they LOVE those shad! I will try chasing the shad in the shallows next time - after I get my trolling motor fixed. Darn thing wouldn't run today. I can hear the relay *click* when I call for the motor to run, so it might be a stuck or worn-out brush. I have a call in to Mr. Swallows now, hoping for a quick, easy and inexpensive fix. Hey, a man has to dream, right?<br /> The cats were not there again today, just a few small blues. I suspect I have completely missed the big blues this year, if they ever showed in the first place. I'll still try, but the low flow is not helping the catfishing.<br /> I did a bunch more mapping again today. I checked my map against a fixed day marker channel guide, and the Lat/Long are dead on. Funny part is that in some places the channel edge is in perfect sync with the map, and in others it is not. My new LakeMaster mapping program should be here later this week, and I can't wait to see how my recordings will interpret into a contour map.<br /> Oh, one more thing. I had never reset my H-bird/Lakemaster depth offset until today, and using a 6' depth change put the depth contours perfect on the map. I'll need to change the offset when the water changes a couple of feet. Plenty easy to do! <br />  <br />  <br />  

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