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East Canyon 5/14/14
My first fishing report .. My wife and I fished 10:00 AM to 2:00PM, trolling pop gear and worm. We landed 9 fish, all 12"-16" We had a lot of action and missed lots of fish.
We got noticeably more action from shiny steel pop gear blade vs the gold. In fact my wife got no hits for about the first hour, using gold. I wouldn't have thought it would make that much difference. Also had lots of double strikes. many times one of us would get a strike, so would the other. Must really be schooled up. We pretty much trolled west shoreline from the dam and south.

So, now that I got some trout to jerky, tomorrow I'm going to hit Pineview for some of them monster Muskies Smile

And what is up with that fungus on those East canyon fish?
Those are some fat fish. Nice!

Mind sharing your jerky recipe?

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