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A really great trip and nobody to share it with
In Alaska! I'd been working too much, and on the Pager when not working. I got buddies to cover for me and forcefully took a trip down on the Kenai. This trip was one long day and most of the next in the middle of the week.

The Clam tide was perfect. I got a limit, a good bucket full. I cleaned clams till I was tired of it.

I drove back up to the Kenai and caught Six Red salmon. A limit.

Now I had to buy another cooler.

I went back down to the Beach and spent the night in the Truck.

Next morning I got another limit of clams, and decided to go home. On the way, I stopped by the Kenai and got another limit of Six Red's.

The Sad part of all that: My wife couldn't get time off to go with me. Some really great things are just no fun at all if you cant share them with a friend.
i used to so enjoy eating battered deep fried clams haven't had them in years now a little hard to come by here in utah but on a brighter side i did get a 4 fish limit of kokonee salmon my first salmon ever
[cool] I sure do envy you thudpucker, I allways wanted to fish Alaska for salmon or trout. and to soak in the sights of america's last frontier!!! Those are the kind of memories that will last a lifetime and never fade. thanks for sharing.
You can do it Bubba! It seems that whatever kind of work you do, there's some of it in Alaska.

Plan to migrate for a year or so....(that's what a lot of the long timers did) This is my Opinion on going to Alaska: It cost's just about as much to go for a long vacation, fishing and sightseeing, as it does to move up there. Lot's of people just rent out the 'lower 48' house and move up!

You'll get hooked. Friends and family can only be entertaining for a certain amount of time. But then it's time to go fishing!

When it's time to go Steelhead fishing, King Salmon fishing, Silver Salmon fishing, Red Salmon fishing (the best of the lot) or fishing for the big Rainbows and Dolly Varden, you better give up the rest of your life, because, when the last fish is caught in August or early September, it's time to store that fishing stuff, and get out the Hunting gear.

With a Gun, Muzzle loader or a Bow(My favorite) the hunting is all around you. Fly in, walk in, ATV in, Drifting down a river, for the Low land species. You can make big 'Dream trips' or just go locally, but there's plenty if you work at it.

Those Mountain Goats and Sheep were always too far for me to walk. But I ate lots of Moose, Caribou and Black Bear. And after the Hunting is all over, you are into Ice Fishing.

In the Early spring you get out the Halibut gear, and the cycle starts all over.

You hardly have time to rest between trips.
Save some money for the College All star Baseball league in the Summer, the College and AAA Hockey leagues during the winter.
High School football and Basket ball. College Basket ball as well.

Alaska is the kind of trip you can do when your young. It gets tougher as you get older. Use it or lose it!

You must not forget the wife and kids though. Bring them along and make sure it's fun for them.
Use the Net, chamber of commerce, Anchorage daily news ( and the Fiarbanks Miner for research.
i really wish i had the means to move up there but it denfitly isn't going to happen anytime soon
man you make a fella wish he up there now !
i love the outdoors !

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