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Hi, new to the forums. I've recently been fishing the hell out of Floyd Lamb. Caught some 2 1/2 pounders, couple 3 pounders, and last night even caught a 4 1/2 pounder. I've worn out the scenery and am thinking about going to Lake Mead to try some fresh terrain. I've read quite a few post here and understand the best way is to use a boat. That isn't an option for me unless I were to find someone willing to take me out (I'd help pay for gas and all). Until then...if you had to pick one spot to shore fish for LMB...where would it be? Prefer not crowded, but am willing to walk the extra distance to get away from the crowds.
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If it helps,I used to fish Mead from 33 Hole and Rocky Point --- easy hike to the water and not too crowded early during the week,but the water dropped so hard that the spots I worked were soon dry or muddy.I did O.K. with plastics for LMB from there just after the spawn but I'll have to find some new spots and the fish most likely will be in deeper water.
I didn't get a new pass for Lamb because I got bored --- the bass I caught were few and far between and definitely on the smallish side.I'm assuming you were fishing the smaller pond (Mulberry ?).I used finesse worms there and only had luck about an hour before sundown.I'm a newbie so let me know if you've got any tips for Mead or Floyd Lamb.
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33 hole was good to me a few times a couple months ago. I went back with my boat about 2 weeks ago and the areas I was catching bass in were dry. I liked that spot though. Government wash was way too crowded when I went.
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I am new to Meade and the Vegas area in General and I although I have had some luck at Floyd lamb seems like you have better luck than me biggest LMB I've caught there was about 1.5 lbs.
As far as mead goes ive had some luck on crawdad cove but like already mentioned with the water level so low the whole terrain and fishing holes have changed a lot. I tried to buy a boat to go out but the wife quickly shot that down. I did however buy a fishing kayak which has been real nice and Ive been able to get to new areas.
Ide say go out there and see what areas you like and can get access to.
Good Luck
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try up near overton, north of echo. That was our favorite area last couple years, but all our spots are high and dry now. The lake is down over 20 ft in the last few months, so everything is different. Haven't been up there since end of April, but did pretty well last time.
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So I went to 33 hole this Saturday from about 2PM to 9PM. Caught one LMB on a Rat-L-Trap shortly after arriving and didn't so much as get a bite the rest of the time. Glad to have caught something but overall disappointing. I could see fish jumping often, not sure what kind exactly though. I also noticed a bunch of circular indentations in the mud where the water had receded. I read a post here about people putting barrels full of shad in coves, is that what these indentations are from? They were everywhere. Anyways, for TheChief...the bigger bass I've caught at Floyd Lamb on the upper Pond and a couple 2 pounders or so at the lower pond. Yes the fish there have a really small varying window on when they bite. Otherwise there would be no bass in there at all because of all the greedy fisherman who would take home and eat everything they caught. Right now the bite is usually around 8:30-8:45 PM (after closing I know, shhhh). I have been in the morning and caught a few too with unpredictable times. Rat-L-Traps seem to be the most successful. There's a guy that fishes there often that always catches them off Rat-L-Traps even on the days I catch nothing. I see him catch them around 7-8 PM. Nice guy, has the record for Floyd Lamb at 11 pounds. I switched to braided line recently and haven't been getting the Rat-L-Trap bites. Guessing the type of line might have something to do with it. I've had luck with spooks, but the topwater bite during daylight has seemed to die down for me. I caught my 4 1/2 pounder off a popper though. Also I caught a couple 3 pounders off a black buzzbait as well. Caught a couple 2 pounders or so off a spinnerbait as well. Hope some of this helps. Enjoy.
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@Larry, careful about being in Floyd Lamb after it closes. There is a nut job cop or ranger that patrols the park. About a year ago, I stopped fishing right when the park was supposed to be closing, so it took me about 10 min to walk back to my car from that Mulberry pond, and this ranger starts giving me all kinds of trouble for being in there after hours. He was threatening me with trespassing and tickets and towing my car. I don't know what his problem was, but he blitzed up the road when he approached me he started yelling at me out his window and saying "Are you Randy?. Where's Randy? Let me see your hands" I said no, as I was loading my car and he jumped out proceeded to harass me, I didn't even give him any attitude and just let him do his thing. After running my id and berating me for about a half hour he finally let me go. My name is Greg, so I have no idea who Randy is or why he thought I knew/was him. I suppose he was looking for some criminal in the area or something, but that was ridiculous. Seriously, I was only in there about 10-15 min after closing, if that guy catches you there1-2 hrs after closing, he may just shoot you and throw your body into the reeds. No kidding, this guy was seriously disturbed, I haven't been back since. Do yourself a favor...
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Hey Larry welcome to the forums! So, I would be doing you a disservice if I didn't tell you some of the best information I ever got for Lake Mead, which yes, it is getting a boat lol here's the thing though, I don't have a motor boat, I bought a kayak. I bought it for $250, and you can get one for less than that, it's helped me up my game for catching all kinds of species of fish and I have become a much better fisherman as a result. It's a good first step for exploring the lake, tuning in your bass skills, and having a great sense of exploration. Now, with that selfless kayak advertisement out of the way, I would recommend going to scenic overlook, its 2 stops past 33 hole if you are driving towards Boulder City. That's the area that a lot of fishermen refer to as the spawning grounds during spring, I've caught a lot of bass down there it's a great spot
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Hey Larry welcome to the forums! So, I would be doing you a disservice if I didn't tell you some of the best information I ever got for Lake Mead, which yes, it is getting a boat lol here's the thing though, I don't have a motor boat, I bought a kayak. I bought it for $250, and you can get one for less than that, it's helped me up my game for catching all kinds of species of fish and I have become a much better fisherman as a result. It's a good first step for exploring the lake, tuning in your bass skills, and having a great sense of exploration. Now, with that selfless kayak advertisement out of the way, I would recommend going to scenic overlook, its 2 stops past 33 hole if you are driving towards Boulder City. That's the area that a lot of fishermen refer to as the spawning grounds during spring, I've caught a lot of bass down there it's a great spot
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Did you report your negative encounter with the officer to the City of Las Vegas Detention and Enforcement ? They are the department responsible for enforcing rules and laws in the park.
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No, I seriously doubt that would do anything I mean I was technically in the park after it "closed." Beyond that, complain on the record and you may get put on "the list" that doesn't officially exist, but my police friends say may lead to you incidentally getting pulled over every time a cop pulls up behind you. That may sound paranoid, but I work in a regulated industry, so encounters with the cops have major ramifications. Sometimes its better to just let things go.
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[cool]Hey Larry welcome.The reply from ihuntforfish is correct. I started fishing mead from a floattube. I would hike down to 33 hole,rocky point, and sunset overlook year round. I did very at times and made the hikes worth it.
Now I have a kayak and am able to get to my spots a lot faster and with more gear and refreshments. Also it is a lot of fun. Hope the info you get from the board helps.
Tight lines
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Greg84 Something is always done with a complaint, it is not always what we want or expect but something is always done. There is no list you get put on because you complained about an officers conduct. Being pulled over "just because" is simply not true, and is illegal. If you feel you were treated with disdain then you should always make a formal complaint with whatever department that it is. If nothing is ever reported than the problem will never get fixed. Take care and enjoy the park.