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Guidance for Haymes Reservoir?
Howdy, all. I'm a Utahn who's headed east to visit family, and I've been told we're gonna fish Haymes Reservoir.

I'm a bass guy, but am not opposed to reeling in anything that'll bite my line.

Is there anyone out there with tips, suggestions, etc? If you have secret info you don't want to share publicly, but that you'd gladly dispense to a one-time-only visitor - send me a private message.

Well, despite almost 700 views and zero responses, I did pretty well on the little reservoir...

But since nobody is apparently following this at all, I won't regale you with my experience.
How far East? Where is Haymes Reservoir? And how did you do on that trip?
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder
Regale me, regale me. I am in grand junction weekly and get out on occasion to fish that area. Where is haymes? Never heard of it.

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