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Mill Creek
Mill Creek has been stocked again, with Rainbows.

I thought the whole reason for killing it last year was to get rid of the rainbows and put Bonneville Cutts in there. Now I read in the stocking report that they put a bunch of SNIT's in there.

So the killing of all those lovely Browns was so that they could put Bows in?
The funny thing about it is that i fished it a few times where they supposedly treated it and all i caught were browns..........[crazy]
Its crazy that they have certain sections that they are treating that are spread out.
so whats going to stop browns, bows, cutbows from traveling back up or down in to these sections after they are treated.

All in all i haven't noticed any change yet, which is fine in my eyes cause the browns in there are healthy and decent sized compared to other creeks that size.
That's how I feel.

It was fine as it was. I'm going to hit some of my old favorite places and see what I can come up with.
Hopefully that is just a typo. My true wish is that the project is going to be abandoned....wouldn't hold my breath on that one though.
[quote Jazzperch1]The funny thing about it is that i fished it a few times where they supposedly treated it and all i caught were browns..........[crazy]
Its crazy that they have certain sections that they are treating that are spread out.
so whats going to stop browns, bows, cutbows from traveling back up or down in to these sections after they are treated.

All in all i haven't noticed any change yet, which is fine in my eyes cause the browns in there are healthy and decent sized compared to other creeks that size.[/quote]

According to the DNR guys at the open house at skyline high school, I was told that there are sections where fish cannot travel up river. An example is the bridges. The pipe that runs under the bridges is too steep and has no areas for the fish to rest. I was told that if a fish has a spot to rest they can make it up darn near anything.

Part of the project is also to improve those bridges and other places like it so the fish can make it up, although that will not be the case at the base of the canyon. The other speices will be catchable in SLC proper.

The idea of cutts only though is a MAJOR dissappointment to me. I think there was something like 35 dedicated bonneville cutt waters in SLC county and an unbelivable number of them in those waters....I would have to look up my numbers again from the "poisoning of millcreek" thread.

All in all the DNR has there hands tied in this situation though. They were sued in the past for not having enough bonneville cutts in utah, and the "master plan"(which I oppose more than anything else in my life so don't get me started) might include making millcreek a drinking source as well. Even though its safe the public hates poisoning a drinking source.

I feel the fishing in the sections I like to fish are slower than usual. Still I find myself getting up there to get it while it lasts. Gone will be the days where 3 speices in a short afternoon was the norm.

RIP millcreek, RIP millcreek.[frown] [frown]

(P.S. - Yes PBH I know you think its an exciting new opprotunity.[:p])
I see your point but the sections that are being treated are higher up the canyon and the bridges that have tubes{which isnt many} still hold fish in them, so if they hang out in those areas why wouldn't they be able to travel up or down.
My experience up there since forever doesn't show me that they cant go up and down when they want.
I've seen multiple fish swim right up that waterfall no problem near the boardwalk area above log haven and that probably one of the biggest obstacles for a fish in there.

Its no typo i know what has been treated so far and i went to check it out a few times and it was brown after brown and some freshly planted slimers, i just really didn't expect that after all that was talked about it.

I also gave the division of wildlife a call about it and explained that i fished an area that was treated and all i caught were browns and some planters, the explanation that i got was that some fish will be able to move up or down in these areas and repopulate after it is treated and that some sections may need to be treated more than once because of that, which i thought was strange.

I agree with you totally on just leaving it be but i wouldn't say RIP Millcreek, there are still some sections that aren't even mentioned to be treated still.

Plus i know you know the good spots in town on the creek that still hold your 3 to 4 species of trout, and i don't think we have to worry about that being treated for now hopefully..............

Only time will tell
I would not give two cents for all the cutts in the State. Brown trout fight very aggressively and tend to make long, forceful runs into deep pools when hooked. Were as cutthroat trout swim in as fast as you reel ! Pound for pound I will take a Brown trout any day, anywhere ! The DWR misguided policy of planting cutthroat trout everywhere is ruining the fishing in the State of Utah !

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