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jordan river-google map
I was just looking at Google maps of the Jordan river. It looks like after the mill creek inlet. The river pretty much looks like the LA river, minus the concrete. My question is. Is the fishing still as good as it is above the mill creek inlet. The river pretty much looks like, well not a river anymore. With the serpentine look of a natural river or stream as it looks south of that area. I've fished a little bit north of mill creek, but didn't know how structured it is for so long going north. I would think the best shot at anything but carp, would have to be in the natural serpentine type parts of the river. Has anyone done well for walleye or cats down on the structured parts? Say 21st all the way north.
I've a caught a couple of nice cats just south of 2100 South and many more bull heads. I like fishing it further south though and seem to do better doing so.
Yeah. I've always had the best luck from 27th to 70th. I did try a stretch from 17th to 13th through the park where the river starts to bend. Ended up with carp only, not even a catfish.
I'm just wondering, has anyone been fishing the jordan lately? I fish farther south than this and it's been MIGHTY slow and I've tried a lot of baits/tactics I haven't in the past. There's also been a lot of see weed stuff that's been washing downstream and getting stuck on my line.

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