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Almost the Red Hour - Porky 8_9
Had a feller wanted to try the Pig, unfortunately he chose to come with me. We had a nice day on the water, bit breezy later, but kinda slow. Marked a lot of fish, managed to piss a few off. Several technical difficulties (mighta got some water in my wiring with all the rain of late), but we did have both downriggers running. Luckily my first mate grabbed the front one when the body broke off, and saved the motor and gizmo from taking a dive. Yup - knew that old thing needed some love - a body transplant even.

Toward mid day we took a break to chase browns, but couldn't coax any. Cranked up the big motor and buzzed over to the dam, and THEN it was on for a while. So much for the early morning business! Maybe it was the moon. But we marked off more big schools, and down at 50ft we hooked up a number, and managed not to loose them.

[inline "CYS Kokehead.jpg"]

Bumped into Petty and crew, and as expected - they did pretty goodly. Got to try out a new (to me) Kokanee rod, and man is it flexy! Again the Epic spinners worked their charms. Both green and pink produced.

They sure are starting to turn, seeing some hooky jaws, and lots more pink. This group was bigger overall than I've been seeing - 14inchers even.
[inline "Another fine mess.jpg"]

But nothing like this 13 pound King a HS buddy landed in Lake Michigan. They don't call it the Windy City for nothing, guess it can be a windy lake too.

[inline King.jpg]

Was hoping to take another last run up today, but got messing with motors with my neighbor.
Nice report John, glad you got into them even with technical difficulties. How is the eating quality of the fish? I'm wanting to take a day off and take my Dad up this week. Sort of lame versus the Gorge trip we used to do, but with limited time all around its better than not going. Looks like you're getting some really nice fish considering the 7"ers last year. Seems like there is a lot of fight in the ones I caught last trip so I'm looking forward to one last trip before the spawn. Thanks for the report. J
It was nice meeting you up there. I didn't move from the opening of the boat launch for awhile because I was catching a few there before moving to the narrows. I was pleasantly surprised to get some while vertical jigging for them. But hey they are a blast to catch. I ended up with 5, and lost about a dozen at the yak. Next time I will remember my net. [crazy]
Looks like they are really turning color now, glad you were able to get in one last trip before the 15th.
It was nice to meet a couple BFTers there. Nice flag BF! Seeing all those humps on the bottom up by the narrows - we toyed with dropping anchor and jigging. My first-mate was flinging flies, I would have loved to see one of those surface fish nail his be streamer! Some pretty flies. Don't quite know what they are doing on the surface, but seen one not 5 feet from the boat just porpoising along.
Yeah - a net is pretty darned helpful with those beasts, and someone who's not a total spaz with it (like me!).

They really do have some fight to them. Sometimes they'll just swim along at first, but once they see the boat (or net) they go crazy! Some get REALLY heavy at times, like when they tie up to the downrigger ball and you can't reel ANY MORE! I was amazed to actually land that one. What a tangle mess! Exciting times.

Jeff - let me know if you decide to go, I'm itching to break away since I never made it out yesterday. Batteries all charged and I'm fired up. I was thinking maybe some afternoon. With the full moon, I just dunno if morning is as hot. And you did really good that one evening (it was evening you went, right?)
Yes it was an evening trip when I went last. I hope I can do it one day this week. Tuesday looks best at work to be missing but the weather report looks the worst. Have to check and see when dad can go. I suspect we will go early and fish till noon and get home to do the days farm work after. I'll let ya know which day we decide to try. Later J
Nice to see you again John. We put 20 kokes in the boat and one 17in brown. we caught fish down to 60ft. pinky/pink epic spinners and cbt wildthing dodgers did the trick today.

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