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drumking, Chickamauga, Crappie, 10/08/14, tp44
My good friend Wayne (tp44) from Etowah came down today to fish with me while I scouted for fish for the Forgotten Child tournament. It was find something new, catch 2 keepers and then leave them alone. We hit several places. Small fish in some places, bigger fish in others. I guess that I'm as ready for the tournament as I will ever be. Wayne took home a few for dinner. Bobby Garland rules Chickamauga. Various colors all produced today. I caught fish on every different color that I threw. 1/16 oz jig heads is all that I used today. Plenty of current in the river while we were out there which made fishing bluffs very difficult. We mainly fished brush in deeper water back in the coves.<br /><br />Thanks for going with me today, Wayne. We will do this again really soon. emoBigSmile emoGeezer

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