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Cutler going going gone
Just a quick report on the water level. Looked like it dropped 4-6" today, still ok to run boats in most areas but another day or two and it will be done for the regular launches. I think last year the water dropped about 4-5' so it will take a week to drop to its new level but most of the 2' deep area will be drained by the weekend. See ya next summer. Later J
in gona go this weekend and see if I can get some pics fish will be ok, cant imagine how pissed the duck hunters are bout now hope they get it fixed this year
At some point, if they keep draining this body of water, it will hurt the catfishing.

Let's hope next spring is not the new trend.
I think it already has hurt the fishing, it didn't ruin it, but I fished harder than I have for years this year and the biggest I could catch was 27.5". I almost always catch at least a 28" cat and that's not fishing very often. And the smallies are way slower this year and I've yet to catch a walleye out of Cutler and I usually catch 3 or 4 in a year not fishing as much. So I think its made a difference. Hope it doesn't hurt it that much more for next year. Later J
Ya no doubt that puts a hurt on the hunting. No birds will stick around without a pond to set on. Plus you can't get a boat out on the marsh. Guess its time to hunt fields or box elder county. Some fish will make it through but I think this puts a hurt on the food supply and a lot of fish get trapped and die so it does change things. Lets hope it gets fixed so the fish can get a real recovery going. Later J
MUDs showing pretty good now must be down close to two feet, not much boating possible anymore. Recommend fishing elsewhere now until they put the plug back in the hole. If you want to fish here really bad, try the river channel but don't expect too much. Later J

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