10-23-2014, 09:00 AM
We headed out yesterday evening for a few hours to fish. We picked a bad time to go. About the time the wind decided to pick up and get really steady, is when we left to head for the water.<br /><br />We didn&#39;t have a big numbers day on fish. With a 20 mph steady wind, it made it hard to do anything with any sort of boat control. Even trolling can be hard fighting the wind. <br /><br />Long story short here...water temps were in the upper 60s. Around 67 or so. Water was falling...and was pretty stained. <br /><br />We got a few of Drumking&#39;s pets. The biggest one got away from us...I had him with the grippers and it decided to flop about the time I lost my balance in the boat and about went overboard myself. It was over 20 lbs and we didn&#39;t get a pic of it. We got him in the boat and unhooked it but it flopped away before we could get a pic. A few minutes later dad got another one but no where near as big. <br /><br />http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b241/danieltn/dtdrum_zps501e40e2.jpg<br /><br />My wife hooked into one that broke her line. We&#39;re pretty sure it was a drum as well. She had one really big catfish come off too...but not after sliming her line up really good. <br /><br />The white bass weren&#39;t running as heavy Saturday...the yellow bass had taken over though. When I would get near a break, I would throw my tail spinner in there and catch a couple but we didn&#39;t really fish for those that much. <br /><br />And I of course...had to be the crappie guy today. I didn&#39;t get any of the big fish. I caught mostly yellow bass and foul hook a catfish in the tail. I also had one come off but not sure what it was. <br /><br />http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b241/danieltn/dtcrappie_zpsef5ccdaa.jpg<br /><br />Oh and I thought I would post a BOLO. I am in search of a particular Bandit crankbait color. I am looking for them in 300 series but would take the 200s too. I found one at Fish Tales on Saturday and at the other fishing store in Cleveland too...they had two of them. They are hard to find but you guys might know where some of them are. If you have any or know where any might be, let me know please.<br /><br />They are Bandit color #83. It is called Black Splatterback. It looks like this:<br /><br />http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b241/danieltn/DTBAN_zps8ecbd6a3.jpg