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Camping at Fish Lake
I am taking a group approx 12 of 14-18 year olds on a wed-Sat camp this summer and Fish Lake is on our short list.

They would like to camp in tents and I will be bringing an RV for the 3-4 adults. I've been looking at campgrounds but would like recommendations if some of you have been there.

We will have a couple of boats to fish but some will be mountain biking and hiking also.
Ask the people in the protected forum.[Wink]

I always have camped in the UM creek area down there so I am not much help. Have fun and hope the fishing is good. I was just joshing ya.
I have been wanting to go down there and camp as well. I'll have to watch this thread.

I talked to a fellow this past summer who told me about his experience down there. Make sure you take some big 2 oz 00 tube jigs to jig for those monster lake trout. He also said the perch will bite on a bronze swivel with just a hook.

What I would like to do is catch the big Muskies in there.
There are lots of campgrounds around the lake, and some in-between fishlike and Johnson's. Some of there names are Frying-pan, Mackinaw, Bowery, or Doctor creek. I prefer to find a spot that you don't have to pay for. There are spots on the Mytoge road or up around 7 mile.
Macinaw is the best camp ground to stay at. I would definatly get a resevation because all camp sites fill up during the summer months. It still gets damn cold at night even in the summer so have the boys take a extra blanket or thick sleeping bag. The camp sites are also very rocky so a pad or air matress is a must.
you could think about going to Flaming Gorge in July, camping at Mustang Ridge
fish and paly in the water. had the scouts there, they had the time of their lives
There's a little dispersed, free camp ground in the quakies on the right side of the road just before you enter the FL basin proper. The road through the camp ground is rocky and rough as heck. It's pretty easy to drive by. Your RV would have to have high ground clearance.
Tent camping is allowed along the Fremont River down closer to Mill Meadow (below Johnson Res). I think you can park an RV in the paved parking areas overnight. The Fremont has lots of small browns in it.
Six mile (creek dumps into Johnson) has dispersed camping in many areas that are not private. There are signs pointing up into the trees where camping is allowed. This road goes north and turns into Gooseberry Rd on the north end. There are several small lakes and reservoirs with fish up near the summit. Lots of dirt roads and trails along this road.
Hope this helps!
Great information. Thanks everyone.

I have been looking at reserving a spot in Bowery (on the far side away from the lake) because I think the group will like being in (or near) the woods for the nights.

I also get concerned with noise for others with this kind of group... so being as isolated as we can be will help.

I will look into the alternate campgrounds as well. I think I will reserve a spot just in case but I will head up and take a look at some of the free areas a little away from the lake too.

I have stayed in Mackinaw with the RV before. I've just never had this many in tents with me.

One of our alternate locations is up in the Gooseberry lake area.

Thanks again and any other pointers would be appreciated.

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