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hey lonehunter! i know how to do this, haha well i got old spudley, today, and i,m babysittin, haha only he,s cliff,s hound dog, and we start talkin bout the old days, and he says, ma, i think : its time to go rabbit huntin, even though i,m 14 years old. my mother, went till she was 18, he tells me/ and even though it was only when she,d sneek out the house, come back all lame, and tuckered, she still went., and i can to. oh spud, id said, i don,t want ya comin back that way. how,d shed hurt, but ma, he states with those large shinin bright spirit that comes from his heart and soul, she wanted to go just like me, she was tuckered but look at how happy she,d be, and didn,t she snore, and start bayin in her sleep, when she got back ma, he says to me, haha.i laughed but it was hard, i guess she did spud,i said, well it,s just like me, i didnt say anythin cause i had a lump in my throat, as big as a golf ball, i couldn,t i say anythin for a moment, i know what it would do if i said no. i just said yes i member spud, and so do you my old boy, and so do you. how i remember her learnin you boys, to hunt, those little 12 inch legs, runnin you two around, haha , so smart, and she wouldn,t take any grief from you two.. ahah and you two were bigger than her,. she,d nip your heels and say pay attention. haha but you boys listened and loved her. i remember as if it was yesterday. spud.she loved runnin them rabbits with us ma, lookin up to me, almost with tears in his big beautiful brown eyes, and i had them too, i hear him say, and slow but sure, she,d go. even though it was more in her mind than in her legs, it was her spirit runnin that rabbit ma, and so, spud reminds me. and that,s why i need to go too. ma. i swaller and try not to cry, so i gave into him and said to those beautiful  eyes, he gives, lookin up to me. all of you always do this to me, i says to him, ya always git your own way, haha i guess we,re gonna take and go up north. it,s funny how he understood,they all did though, especially my jake, it was as if it was a sixth, sence that we read each others minds and eyes. i remember when jake was sleepin , and i,d think mentally jake, and his head would pop up nad ears right to me, it proved my point. the minute i took jake from his mother and spud, it was my and cliffs voice they heard, and i picked jake, and cliff, my son picked spud, or they picked us. the soul connection just was. i says to spud, well, i guess were gonna have to go north spud, cause there sure aren,t too many herein the central state. but it will give us some old memories, spud, of your granfather, father, mother, brother jake, and all your other brothers and sisters that came after you.. and i,ll git a little piece of you, jake, your mother dutchie,, runiin again,and .to be able to feel, see, that magical spirit you all posessed together. to work together and to come as one to do what,s in your blood, and do what you all loved. to do. It,was quite the sight back then. how proud, how proud dutchie was of you boys, herself, what a team. haha. probably fer only a few more short times we,ll have to go spud out there. we.ll take the hot dogs, and rolls, cook em over the fire, like we use to, and i know you spud, you won,t hunt till ya git your hot dog, haha no more than jake and ma, did either, you can have your treat, then you,ll take off, haha nad do the sniffin thing. nose in the air, then ot the ground, but that ol nose won,t stop till ya find what your lookin fer,will ya ol boy, haha. you,ll let out that buuuuuuuuuuurre and here we go! i,ll hollar go spud go git that ------ rabbit!! haha there goes the rabbit, there goes my spud nad he,s right tight on his everlovin. and the sound of that voice, will bellers through the cold brisk night, and i know ol spuds feelin them too, of momma and jake with him, he,s memberin, i know he,s memberin. he,s feelin and actin like a new pup all over again,/ i,ll say to myself, and it,s as if all 3 of their silloettes are beamin across the silver white snow, with the full moon blazin, along with the fire. These are the most precious sounds, sights. i feel or ever will in all my life.. there is nothin, that touches my soul, like these nights, and nothin or no one can ever take this away, or will ever add up to, to the many a nights like these.,we,ve shared;;;; ol jake, now gone, fer five years, and momma, dutchie, gone 7 years, and her father butchie. 10. i,ll remember forever,.[  ]. if only now were huntin in our dreams. ilove nad miss you all my good old hounds. your mother. only 2 legged, haha [  ][  ][cool] and so does cliffie,
i went back to school and did a portarit of jakes head, took him to school with me when he was a pup, haha they let me. he was almost a year, and at the bottom of the picture i wrote,
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haha sorry just meant to ask if anybody was gonna rabbit hunt, but i had spud, and this is what happen,s haha i,ve gone to the hounds, haha i talk to em just like all of em, haha even my pony.,s later[  ][  ]
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plan on hitting it this weekend. Last week on the last day of bow season I seen 4 rabbits running around my stand. We plan on having a good weekend as long as the snow stays. It has never been hunted for rabbits before. Now that the snow is here to stay I can hit the woods to hunt coyotes too. Been seeing alot of tracks. Plus I found a bunch of feathers from a pheasent that a fox or a coyote got.
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hey stormy, you,ll have fun, but dont think ya can,t hunt on dry ground. ya don,t neeeed snow to hunt rabbit. if theres rabbits there in the area, . you,ll be able to tell by your dogs, they,ll tell ya, and they,ve been out in the last day. which they will lest ya git a big storm, and they might hold up till it lets up, for the day, and night sometimes, but i, plan to go when it let up,some, nad hang on cause you,ll have fun! haha but my dogs, hunted both.dry ground and snow. they just loved the snow, that,s all and i did. they used their nose well. they would sniif the air, and see if they couldn,t pick em up when the rabbit is out, and if they couldn,t git the scent there, the nose would go to the ground and follow the scent till they came to the brush they were in. some rabbits will spook and run out the other side of the brush, the young ones, and some old smart rabbits won,t, that,s how they got to be old, an they could outdogde, out smart many a dog, except fer mine. git an old rabbit, believe in your dog and don,t pull him off that brush pile, cause you,ll ruin him, take and git a stick nd poke around tin the brush pile an git it out fer jhim, especially if it,s a pup. and praise him! the old rabbits would double back and go to the place where he started, that,s why my young hounds, jake spud, learne from momma, and her father. haha they learned when they were young what the old rabbits did, would do. that,s how butchie, dutchies father taught her.then down to her sons. i see the time when butchie would go inside the pile of brush after that old rabbit and git his nose bit fer that rabbit he,d git so mad. haha they were small enough to be able to do it. butchie and dutchie were 12 inch beagles. jake and spud weere 15 inch. bigger body wise taller. well ya have fun be safe, and let him run around at least 2 times so there tired and will stay back aways from that rabbit so ya don,t shoot him, along with the rabbit. i,ve seen the time when the hounds were in thee prime, young, and would almost have the rabbits by the tail. haha and seen many a good dog git shot by hunters that were first learnin. too.. so let em play, and run the rabbit. well as fer as the coyote thing. haha i,m learnin that. we,re havin a ball. but it,s good to try somethin new. have fun no matter what ya do. later mare[  ][  ]
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We don't have any dogs. We take turns being the dog by pushing the brush piles and thicket. My one buddy had a nice begal but two coyote ganged up on him one afternoon and killed him. Have you ever seen a grown man cry? take his best friend away and he will. For the coyotes you need to get out and try it. We went out about 50 times last year and got 7 dogs. At one time he had a whole pak come in at once. Now that was a thrill.
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Hey lou I've only been rabbit huntin once or twice back when I was a teenager, it was lots of fun. Shot mostly jackrabbits and I skinned em and left the meat for the coyotes and took the skin home. When I got home my dad told me to get rid of the skins cause it might be infected with tularemia, so I got rid of them. I think he was just paranoid though. Man, when you use a shotgun and you don't get a clean kill those jackrabbits can sure make a racket screaming like they do. Anyway lou good talking to ya again. Enjoy the rest of rabbit season!
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i,d like to see that one. haha long as ya have fun. but i do love listenin otem. my lord, i hear ya there, i couldn,t handle ol spud git mauled like that. that,s why its good to have 2-3 beagles, they wouldn,t dare, less it,s a pack to do that to the beagles when theres more than one, i hear ya, fer sure. too bad, i,m sorry fer ya.guys.yeah were just learnin and tryin haha, we just got one of those new calls with the speaker you can put out a distance, but i think we,re huntin too low. e need to go higher, gonna try it this weekend when jack has off and we can spend the hole day. thanks fer the tip. sounded like ya did well. i think there startin to take a toll on our deer herd here. we mights swell take care of the problem now before it gits tooo late. ya know. i know there alot of coyote up there. even on the mountain above my house, i hear em. have fun. be safe. maybe he ought to git a momma that knows how to hunt and a pup and momma will learn the pup. then you,ll have fun. haha [  ][  ]
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yeah, ya know some areas we got jackrabbit, down towrds springfield vt. and north their regulas rabbit. bunnies. and boy are they gooood eatin. i love it. you ought ot go again. don,t ya have em like mine here. i never heard of what your talkin bout, although i think someone mentioned somethin, but they also said that durin the winter when it,s good and cold the diseases die off. somethin to do with weather, when it,s warm i guess. but anywas, ya ought ot go and take the hot dogs, and spend most the night. git a tribe together, it,s moe fun, we use to do that even with the snowmobiles, and take the dogs. jake would curl up oin front of me where the heat would blow back out and just site right there. haha they loved it. yeah, i hear ya bout them screamin. but most generally if you pick your spot when ya hear the hound where he,s gonna bring it thru, ya see hair, ya shoot, and he,ll run into the bb,s and generally be a head shot so it,s quick and clean and not go into the meat. noi different than a runnin deer. but always have a backin with your deer. the rabbit it,s only shot and not that much of distance. so your fine. most generally they,ll come back around the same spot. have fun. good talkin to ya too. well just git that licence soon and have some fun. later
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hey stormy let me know how you guys did, ok and what happened ok! [  ]
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Well Saturday mornig worked to be a great day of bunny hunting. Sun was out with a little breeze out of the west.
It wasn't 5 minutes into the thicket and the first rabbit busted out. MISSED that one. But the next one didn't get away just had to freshen up on the quick pull ups. My partner and I seen 10 rabbits and heard about 10 others busting away. It's pretty thick with tall yellow grass.
We need to bring a dog or another shooter to be able to hunt it good. For a 5 hour walk we ended up with 2 rabbits per shooter with about 10 empty shells a per shooter. Seen 8 pheasents. and 4 deer and flock of geese land in the bean field right in front of us. GOOD DAY TO BE IN THE WOODS!!!!
Looking forward to next weekend[  ][  ][  ][  ][  ][  ]
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hey stormy, sounds like a goood day! haha cool. that,s real good though 2 a piece. good eatin. i wish we still had around here that good. the state went and put out those stinkin fisher cats to tkae care of hte porcupines. stins, they didn,t eat prcupines when they could have our good squirells and rabbits. so now e have none on my mountain like i use to back when i was a kid.use to have em runnin round my door yard. partridge too, had a bear come down thru off the mountain cross in out door yard right in the middle of the day when we were forst buildin hte house too,. after that they still do but at night and they,d git the hounds goin. haha so i,d know hwen they were travelin. we got alot more coyotes out there now too. i jsut started doin that. good reason still now that deer is done to be able to git out still. these temps lately are terrible. supose to be 50 below tonite. i pitty any animals that are out. might take a toll on our deer. i hope not. glad ya had a good day. it,s always worth goin out and just enjoyin the day even if ya don,t git noth. sounds like a good area. where are ya? bean fields?? i,d like to see hat, must me cool. now are they green bean>> or the ones like ya git in the bag?? soldiers or pea, i guess i don,t know what ya mean. well take care have fun. you got jack rabbits too?>>? we got those down the bottom of our state. i,m here in vermont. but i have to go up north now. there stills some over in bridgewater where i use to go when i lived over there. in proctorsville. not too fer. i like it up north though. beautiful areas and the rabbits run fer miles. that,s why i like the hounds haha let them run em. haha. it is alot easier, they hve fun to and i love listenin to em. git one, two, you an,t ask fer a better pet fer your kid too. they are VERY AFFECTIONATE, and the more love ya give em, the more they hunt better, that,s an old myth that ya keep your huntin dog just fer a huntin dog. mine lived in the house with me, went everywhere with me. fihin, too. they need that love, crave it just like a kid. in al hte animals i,ve ever had which is alot! there,s never been a more good natured lovin animal. but remember, some just have that nose and head strong nature, stubborn, haha but thats a hound, haha that,s waht makes em special, but some people can,t handle that in em, so they give em up that,s what their born and bred to do. and ya can,t expect em not to be that way, that,s where the understand in comes in if ya love em. i use to take my jake spud, momma dutchie with me all hte time, my jake and momma, spud would go runniin em and ome back when i cvalled em good, but that was cuse they did go everywhere with me, and was use to it fron the minute i took them out of momma, but some they,re stubborn and come when they want. haha, but as it is with a kids, the moe time ya spend the more ya do with em the more they,ll listen to ya better, time patience, love understandin, them, all pays off. so if ya git em, expect htis, and i hope ya have the patience to kepp em rhater than findin out ya can,t handle how they are, and give em up, cause that ruins em. and then people think it,s the dog, it ain,t the dogs fault, htat comes of human. that ticks me off. so if ya git one two, it,s a lifetime committment, just like a kid. or IT SHOULD BE, IT WAS WITH ALL MY ANIMALS. horses too. i miss em,s just too easy to say, with animals, that i can,t handle em, and give em up. good many dogs whatever have been ruined by this. i guess i,m spoutin haha, i guess theres alot of people just don,t love em the way i do. sorry but it,s the truth.[  ][  ][cool]but they give ten times more htan they ever git.ya know.
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hey stormy? where are ya, you gonna go huntin again this weekend?? write me back when ya can will ya?? and ya ought to git some nice little beagle pups this spring fer next year. haha later
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Yes, we are going back bunny hoping this weekend. We just got another fresh pile of snow yesterday. 6 inches about.
Im' from walled lake, Michigan and it is cold today, 7 degrees out right now as I write to ya. For getting a begal I probably will not get one ever. I have dogs already and my goldens ret. are the best. I'll let you now how we do.
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hey stormy,some cold hee too this mornin 15 below with wind chill 50. lovely. i gues s we ought to expect it anyways huh? it,s --------winter haha. i still say i,d be some warmer we had snow. guess were suppose to git little bit here today. my son is plumbin. lotta freeze ups. well i love goldens too. they are a beautiful affectionate dog good with kids. hey i bet he,d go rabbit huntin! haha bet he,d like it too.less he,s a couch hound like louie is. haha louie,s our little long haired dashound we got over to the pet store 2 years ago, maybe 6 months before my beautiful jake died. it,s a good thing we got him, cause i wouldn,t of got another dog. but it,s alos funny how louie picked up alot of jakes traits and personality before jake went. haha and it keeps a little piece of jake with me. and louie was only 4 months when we got him. i never like dashounds. haha but louie is an exception. he,s got that special lovin thing goin on, those do, too, but i had one that totally destoye my house cause i had to work. i ended up givin him to some older peolpe cause they could stay home with him, and that was cool. verybody was happy. haha my next door neighbors. haha. but it,s all in how ya grow em up. anyways. i think that one somebody had abused hin anyways an not got the attention he needed, but we didn,t hit it off too good. haha but all worked out. haha but louie is funny, thinkin all the time, just like my pooh pooh haha jacob p. wood haha. actually jacob dancer wood. was his show name. dancer, after garth brooks song the dance, and jake use to dance when he walked. haha haha well to me there,s none like my me. he knew 15 commands and most 2 words together, commands. smart. them goldens have the same personality though.too. very smart! i really haven,t evr seen a houndor huntin dog that didn,t ever have that total loyal lovin affectionate deep love. theres just somethin about em. they,re so different than other dogs i,ve had or seen, kept, found, or thet found me,which ma use to love. haha she,d git so disquisted cause i,d bring so many home at a time, dogs cats, pigs, chickens, i had a rooster once that rode on the handle bars of my bike. haha and loved my pony too. sit on her back. but i couldn,t see puttin nothin down so i had to save it. haha yep ma loved me. haha i,d love to see yours. i bet their somethin. how old are they?? i had a beutiful black lab. championship lines fer the huntin, but my house burned and i couldn,t keep him where i had to move, os i give him to some nice old people that lived out where he could grow and have fun with them. they looked like they needed him so it was worth itall the way around. as long as he was happy. well don,t be catchin cold out there this weekend. it,s still suppose to bitter. are you home from work today?? jack had to go. wish he could of stayed home with me today. haha well write soon or when ya can, lie hearin from you guys. seein what your up to haha. gone fishin?? ok later i know your busy. i,m gonna make a apple pie fer jack today, he,ll like that. hha later have fun!