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1/20/15 Bear Lake Cisco Run Update
Anglers in boats are catching limits of Cisco off the rockpile jigging with castmasters or spoons. They showed up on Saturday out there and got stronger on Sunday and were really thick today. There haven't been any along Cisco Beach yet (or off the marina). I don't expect much off the marina this year due to all the boat traffic going in and out since you can't launch your boat from the shore this year on Bear Lake. That means the marina is a lot busier than normal. Absolutely no ice on the lake. No docks in the water along the east side either. No fog in the valley either. Will post a daily update until the Cisco start to show up along the shoreline. OH, the cutthroat and laker fishing is really good right now. It should stay that way for another week before all of them fill up on Cisco. Both trolling and jigging are great. I talked to at least two boats who landed over 30 trout on Saturday. Most boats are landing 7-12 trout. Both jigging and trolling is working. Cheers for now.
Scott, thanks for the report. Will The State Park marina be open on Saturday for boaters, with the Polar Plunge going on?
Kent beat me to the punch. Want to launch Saturday, Hope its open for us.

Thanks Scott.
It will be open, but from about 10:30-1:00 it will be shut down and pretty much a zoo on the ramp with the chili cook off and plunge going on. Morning should be just fine. We won't be setting anything up until about 10.
Thanks, will just come off after the event.
Thanks for the up-date .(B.L.F.G.) Sounds like it's time to bring the Boat up, and wet a Line in Big Blue.

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