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warm weather fishing
Hello fellow anglers. I know that strawberry and schofield are the only two places that are okay to ice fish on right now. If I went to Strawberry tomorrow, where is good? I fish the berry during the summer and fall, but not a lot during the winter. Chicken creek east producing? I am on foot, pulling a sled, and no fish finder. It's quite the drive for me, so if anyone knows of another place that is good closer to Ogden, please let me know. I am even open to busting out the spinning rods and hitting a pond/lake close by for some trout. Possibly Bountiful lake? I love East Canyon, but it is unsafe ice I have heard. Thanks guys.
I would head for the gorge. good fishing for rainbows and catching some pups from the bank. Try anvil then north. fish mellows and worms in the shallows, Krokodiles and big spinners.In the deeper water. Hit the lake one hour before sun rise and fish till the wind come up.
I saw some fish splashes that looked like a small cow had been droped in the water.

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