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willard water
If there isn't enough snowpack in the mountains from the winter, there will not be enough in willard for the entire season. There are several thousand water share holders that "own" parts of that run-off after willard bay and several hundred thousand(a guess) before it ever reaches willard. It is a cycle we have no control over unless your In to cloud seeding or rain dances. A reserve pool means someone down the line looses. How do you decide who doesn't get their share? Farmers, homeowners, god forbid Ogden bay and the spur and Harold s. Crane get shorted worse than they already are. The fact is, we have no control over how much water willard gets. Deal with it. Buy smaller boats, go to pineview, east canyon, cutler and newton(lmao).
I love willard more than any other water in the state. With bear lake a close second. I have adjusted my equipment including my boats to deal with it. I can run in 6" of water now and have no problem getting out when nobody else can. You don't need a 25' monstrosity to catch fish there. I fished a 12' boat for 15 years with not a single problem except maybe a little lightning or whitewater. Pay attention to the west and you can see the storms coming long before they hit you.
It would be lovely to get it up high enough for good spawns early on but I look forward to the water dropping and getting rid of some of the idiots that insist on getting within pissing distance of the fishing boats.
Curious to see what actually comes of all this time and investment. My money says money talks and bull feces walks. This is the "Entitlement States of America" those shareholders aren't going to give io what's belongs to them willingly and were not talking a couple farmers, more like entire cities.

Good luck fish slayer. I hope your efforts are rewarded. I would be interested in doing service projects out there when our messed up life allows. We did ogden bay nesting boxes today and had a blast.

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