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Went to cutler and caught about a dozen "ugly yellows" that is what my daughter call them. It was fun watching the kids real them in. Thinking about taking out the boat tomorrow and seeing if I get any love. It will be the first time the boat gets out on an official fishing trip this year.
I tried a couple hours this afternoon with only 1 mudcat between two of us. I expected much better than that. Don't know what happened it was good last night. Oh well least it wasn't a complete skunk. Later J
I am going to launch over at Cache Junction tomorrow and see how I do. Most like be drift fishing dragging some bait with my oldest to see if we get any takers. It seems the junction gets a little less pressure than Benson.
Good luck, I've seen some guys go east there this time of year and do really well, but I haven't fished that area much myself. Hope you do well. Later J
My son and I hit cutler for an hour and a half and had nonstop action until we had to leave. Caught a contest cat and a couple that I won't bother posting. Caught a mud cat about every two minutes between my son and I and they were great fun in between the channel cats. There was a floatplane ultralight buzzing us too. Pretty cool. I'll post a pic of the biggest cat tomorrow when I get my new phone (and consequently camera) figured out.
I saw that boat/plane to my kids thought it was really cool to watch. Still no love from the channel cats today but those ugly yellows I couldn't get rid of them. Quite a few people out today fishing.
My son and I floated from Cutler Marsh to Benson marina today. It took about 5 hours, and had only one channel cat to show for it. Not even a carp, of which we saw many, nor a single mud cat. In all fairness I was using a chunk of carp meat bigger than most of the mud cats would be able to swallow..
So when you say Cutler Marsh - I'm suspecting you're referring to the "Maze" - from Valley view north to Benson marina?

To me it's ALL Cutler marsh, what ain't the Bear River. Definitely a lot of territory to get lost in out there!

Mike - you're a freaking fish magnet! All these other posting near-skunk mudder adventures, and you're off the hook! Glad you're on the "right" team!

I did wander over to the VV area, fished by the canoe dock with CVFisher and son. He was doing pretty well with a sucker, and a mess of carp. I had one big hit and run, pop off. We cruised up to another spot towards CJ and didn't get much love on the line. Though there were some crappie along the shore, and even a eye-less rainbow!

I need to get floating!
So Mike how big was this contest cat? Later J
Yote what do you mean a 'pop off'? I guess that's better than a knot breaking!

It's starting to warm up a bit and I've noticed the Channels becoming more active. Caught that one small 21" and then the contest entry cat that I sent you @ 24". And ohhh there's some bigger ones out there. Use bigger hooks and bigger bait, and that may do the trick. (When I was out yesterday I picked up some trash that wasn't there two weeks ago...I sure wish the fishermen would pick up after themselves.)

Mike how big was your Channel?

Jeff, any luck lately with/without setlines?
You suspect correctly. I launched at the ramp on the south side of highway 30 and went all the way down to Benson. It is a lot of territory, even more than I realized. I floated through some mazes that seemed to go on and on forever.
Interestingly, there was a burn going on out in Petersboro a couple of miles away, and at one point were were showered with ash. Just one wayward spark landing in those cattails, and it would be quite a show.
After arriving at my honeyhole we found - ALAS - another group already there. So after we fired a few warming shots over their heads they moved on. (kidding, just camped a ways over, then they chose to leave) Either that or they got a wiff of my stanky chicky livers and high-tailed it!

It got windy later, and guess they'd used the fire 'pit'. The wind was enough to stir up some smoke and renew the coals. Considering all the dry brush and grass, I do worry a bit.

Please folks - if you're having a fire, PUT it out proper! And yeah, the trash is atrocious. Why is it always cheap beer cans, bottles, and cigarette packs, and bait tins? I mean how hard is it! And seriously - if you recycled your cans, might have enough for some decent beer!
People - you packed it in, for Pete's sake, pack it out! That kinda crap ain't gonna biodegrade!

Lava - I had my drag set WAY loose, and she burned line and ran before I could get it synched down. There was a big load on, then it was gone. Don't think I ever got a good hookset. Probably a monster carp! You know what those look like! haha.
I still don't understand why people want a fire while they fish.[bobdumb]
I should clarify, the fire we saw was a fire at a farm, either burning ditches or stubble in a field. It was a large fire far away, and burning for a long time.
Oh I get that. I also saw a few yesterday, in both directions. I applaud the farmers taking care of weed along roadsides, ditches, back alleys. Night moves!

Watched some first hand out at Clay Slough working a fence-line. Man those torches can set off a blaze!

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