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Willard Bay South Marina Warning
A buddy and I went out to Willard on Saturday to get in on this Wiper catching action. We went to the South Marina to launch the boat.

I was there for the rock cleanup last fall and remembered where there was a large square piece of cement right by the dock so I looked for it and it is maybe 6 inches under the water off the north west point of the southern dock. When we came back in later that night there was a Stratos high centered on it. I had to get in to knee deep water and lift and push him off of it.

In this first photo I tried to mark with red where that block is.

and one of my fish
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[font "Calibri"]Hey thanks for the heads up Ryan. I knew it was there but a lot of the other folks that visit the forum may not have. [/font]
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hey nice catch and thanks for the warning those things sure pop up fast and do some serious damage
Is this the dock you are talking about?
[inline "Willard-march2015 009.JPG"]
Yes sir it is.
Saw a guy go right over that spot or at least very close and he did not hit it but from his description he must have been very close. Was it too large to get out last Fall?
It's a huge square cement block. I think it might be an anchor for the dock cables. I'm only assuming. If you stand on that corner you'll see it.
I'll try and run out there tomorrow and get a picture from the dock. Id like to get a bouy on it.
thanks for the heads up. Might help to go throw some kind of marker out there for everyone.
There is a shallow hump south of the north marina buoy. I would go straight out at least a few hundred ft before turning south. We hit it on the way back in.
I launched off the middle ramp Saturday morning and that chunk of concrete was exposed out of the water about 3 inches. Just enough to know to stay clear of it. I don't remember seeing it when I left at about 4 PM. Did the south marina get some more water in it, or did I just not look for it cause I knew where it was?
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder
That piece of concrete you are talking about Forest, is not the same as TheFishSlayer is talking about. He was referring to a much larger piece of concrete, right off the end the dock toward the middle of the marina. I think the piece of concrete you are talking about is right by the ramp and I have seen that one as well.

There is still a lot of smaller rocks on the ramp that I run across as I'm launching. Wish we could have got that guy that offered to bring a backhoe in to clean up the rocks in there, he could have at least got those rocks off the ramp. If the water conditions stay like they are, by Fall the South marina will be high and dry and I hope they can come in and really clean up that marina, if they get the permits[:/].
Great warning guys, thanks. Was up there sunday and launched ok, dropping off/picking up my buddy at the dock was pretty dodgy. Water about 12" right there, needed to paddle out cause when I dropped my motor a bit, I did hit bottom. You can get in and out, but its a bit rough.
Yea, that is why I use that rocky point to the East. Water is a deeper there and I haven't had a problem loading my passenger but you do have to nose your boat in.

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