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Late Strawberry Report
Hey BFT buddies...

So Easter Sunday (4/5) I headed up to the Berry for some early morning fishing, the moon was full so i was hoping the action would be good. As i got to the lake around 5:30 i discovered that most of the lake froze over that night due to the drop in temp. Road conditions were perfect, no snow at all and i assume its the same all around the lake at this point. I headed to the Soldier Creek side, as i neared on of my spots i spotted an opening along the shore about 50ft long and 20-30 yards out. So i parked the buggie and hiked down the hill. As soon as the light started to hide the stars i had some hits. I was just soaking Power Bait on about 3-4' of leader. The flavor that seemed to work was the Chunky Cheese Garlic flavor and Rainbow Candy Garlic. I managed to get it right along the ice and had some pretty good action all morning until the ice thawed and moved with the wind. I found my spot no longer fishable and called it a day. I came home with 2 nice Bow's. I lost two, one spit the hook and another snapped my line as i was reeling it in. When it got slow i jigged with a white curly tail but all i got on that was the little guys. All in all a great day at the lake. I look forward to more open water.

[inline IMAG0190.jpg]

Mod note: don't hit the inline feature without finishing the process.
Way to go![fishon]
ok the pic didnt load last time
Can't wait to get up there myself


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