05-09-2015, 09:00 AM
Haven't fished for panfish or posted in a while, hopefully haven't forgotten how to do either. Went yestd. to try to catch a few crappie and bream and do some scouting. Shot a few docks and kept 10 crappie, lucked into a 14 in. TARP black crappie. BG shads on 1/16 oz. leadheads in bluegrass on medium depth docks did best. Fished one bream bed with crickets and quit when I had about 2 doz. bluegills. Caught one lonely female shellcracker about 25 ft. deep when I scouted for crappie, she must have been lost. Got about a 2 lb. channel cat on a cricket, a 5 lb. drum on a jig and a couple of small bass off docks.