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[#000080][size 2]Besides interfering with my fishing[ ], they are jerking us around like a perch at Jordanelle. We got a memo stating that we now have to call-in at 5:50am to see if we are going to start work at our scheduled time. Because when you absolutely postively have to get it there over night,they can't get the stuff to the local areas in a timely manner[mad]. We could use this time to coordinate, prepare, and train but it makes management look better to withhold hours. We are a PO'D people, and our customers should be too.[/size][/#000080]
[#000080][size 2]Does anyone know anything about labor disagreements and scheduling?[/size][/#000080] [#000080][size 2]The next big labor movement in our country will involve alot of purple[mad][/size][/#000080]
[#000080][size 2]I need another week of vacation.[/size][/#000080]
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Man I know how you feel. In the medical field, everything is based off of patient numbers, when they are up, you can't work enough hours, but as soon as it drops below the magic number, they pour the pork to ya. I think people in upper managment take courses on how to bend over employees. Unfortunately I don't know much about labor disagreements, and if you are not in a union, I think it's a lost cause. Good luck with your work. I hope things work out.
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I feel for you both! But I've never had that experience, we always have work to do in fact we have a 5 year backlog in some areas. I've been here going on 24 years now and have never been sent home because of lack of work. It has gotten slow at times but there is always something to do. And I'm a self-started so if it starts to slow down I start looking for something to do. That way I'm always busy, and my boss never has to tell me what to do, by the time he does it is usually either in the works or done.
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[size 2]Best thing you can do is research jobs that are not effected that much by the economy and target those jobs.[/size]
[size 2] Jobs that half to stay filled and offer some sort of protection. Do I know of any? Only the military and police. Usually you can stay in those jobs until you die! Hopefully from old age[  ][/size]
[size 2] I am in the mortgage industry and it's always up and down here. Rates are low, works insane, rates go up were are alternating taking naps![/size]
[size 2] Anyway good luck, hopefully it will pick up or you find something mo better[cool][/size]
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Police jobs definitely have job security, just ask the poor fellow that had all his fishing equipment stolen recently. The job security may be there but the politics involved really suck. Go figure.
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You could always think BROWN.[  ] Just kidding!
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[pirate] [red] Dude you sure are bitter about police arent you. But I bet when you need one you pick up the phone and dial 911 dont you!!. I dont mean to get off the subject here guys, but sorry I am climbing on my soap box!!. Have you ever rode along with a police officer and dealt with some of the scum they deal with day in and day out? well let me tell you TV is fictional, even COPS is edited for the public. So until you have walked in a mans shoes dont critque him, dont judge him, most Police agencies are understaffed, and very underpaid, Officers are also required to work holidays which keep them away for their families on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years, and why? to protect the community, the people they serve. To top it off most police officers have a college degree, they can work for private enterprise for twice the money, but they stay in their proffesion because they love to serve, just like the men and Women in our Armed forces do, they also accept the fact that their jobs are dangerous and the crap they will be involved with everyday, Officers risk their lives everyday when they put that badge on for people like you, somone they dont even know, can you say the same thing? So to end this, I will tell you I am a proud member of the Law Enforcment Community, and yes I have taken a bite out of Crime and I was hit by two Bullets from a 9mm Hand gun for my troubles, but I am still here, and I am still a proud member of the Law Enforcement community.
Fish on dudes.
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I for one agree on this one. Not blaming anyone on this site but I have seen a handfull that kinda whine alot with the law enforcment, and armed forces, and a bunch of other stuff.
Please remember guys they dont do this for the money, or the bennies, or gloy, They just do it.....why do you ask.
To keep us all safe even the guys they dont like.
As for Tomegun, Dude I am sorry. I also just found out that I might loose my job due to budget cutbacks today. So here is for hoping ( i stay) Kinda funy I see alot of people complain about jobs (me included as of late) but in the we should all be thankfull we have one to take care of the familey. During the 2002 year I went just over 10 months of no job and I promise it wasent lack of trying I got shut down for stuff I had no experiance and everything else. I even got the OVERqualified. cmon ME over qualified. sorry that dont happen :}
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Utah is a right to work state. So if you screw up or they don't like you plan on getting fired with no workmens comp. To make things worse don't plan on sueing anybody company because this state and most communities bend over and take it (you know where) for them.
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Yea and if they dont have a reasanable charge for firing you you can take it to unemployment and get unemployment checks I did that when I lost mine in 2002 also have a few friends who also have done the same thing and got the unemployment checks. Just cause it is a right to work dont mean they can just get rid of you. That is a very uncommon misconseption. Call the department of workforce services and they can explain it to you. The right to work law holds just about as much backbone as the law that stated you could exacute any "Morman" just casue of there religion back in Missiouri I beleave it was. it is a law that is out dated and really dont hold up to anything anymore. That was told TO ME not any frined or anybody else this is from MY mouth from the DEPT OF WORKFORCE SERVICES.
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[#000080][size 2]We have rules that are set up nationally across the board. Our company tries to circumvent its own rules. We here in Utah are now having to fight battles that were fought and won by employees in other states. It is the story that a company will try to get away with whatever it can at one place until they get they get fined. [/size][/#000080]
[#000080][size 2] My beef is this, Is a schedule a binding agreement between employee and employer for mutual protection or is it a guideline that can be used against someone. I have know problem about finishing early and going home when it is neccessary. I believe(no factual evidence at this time) that the battles over scheduling have already been fought in the courts. And, that some companies try to take advantage or hurt people while still making a profit. [/size][/#000080]
[#000080][size 2] I hope I didn't offend anyone (except Predator, don't get me started on your hook sets. Mr Dullhook) that is going through tough times or has been layed off. [/size][/#000080]
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Do you mind if I ask, where do you work.
Guys, I work for the public safety and it sucks dealing with all the scum bags out there. The funny thing is how people act, especially guys, when they are getting a ticket for something stupid they did. We try and give everybody the advantage when it comes to tickets but guys are just prickes. Women tend to take the situation for what its worth and be very considerate about getting a ticket. Most of the time we let people go with a warning if they are nice and respectfull.
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Hey guys, local computer geek for Workforce Services here. I will find out everything I can that might help and post it in the morning when I can ask the people who actually know.
The right to work law was explained to me like this.
I worked at Geneva Steel on the blast furnace.
I was injured on the job (full herniation of the disk at L5/S1).
Geneva paid, through Workmans Compensation, for the medical expenses and compensation for the injury.
Upon my release to work, I was given a lifting restriction of 35lbs. constant and 75lbs. occasional. My job required lifting at 50/100.
Geneva then legally, and legitimately, fired me because I could not perform my normal job function any more.
This is what the right to work law is based upon. People being able to perform the job function and nothing more. I will also look this up to verify it and post it in the morning too.
The bright side is that at that point, I qualified for a little known state program called State Rehabilitation Program. It is for displaced workers, not just injured. They paid for me to go back to school and become a computer geek. If it applies to you, I can recommend it highly.
As I said earlier. I will find out everything I can to help adn post it in the morning. Good luck to all.
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I think you really misunderstood my post icehole69. I would be the last person to dog on a police officer considering I happen to be one myself. I was dogging on all the political crap we have to deal with every day from city and state governments. I did enjoy your post and am glad to see somebody stand up for us poor crazy bullet chasers.
So who do you work for? And next time move faster when the 9mm's are flying. Just kidding.
Now that you know where I am coming from re-read my post and I'm sure you will see what was meant. PM me if you get a chance and let me know who you work for. I will be in Salt Lake in March for a Homicide investigation class and if you are up there you can show me a good lunch spot and we can do some fishing chit chat.
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[unsure] Fishluvr, Sorry about that Dude,
Now I wont make an excuse like it was a bad day or too many hours working or anything like that, I will say that I opoligize for completly taking your message out of context. Next time, I will read the post better and I promise to really work on my reading comprehension, ha hahaaa.
Hey good advice about moving faster I will try that, if there is a next time.
Be safe out there brother. [cool] and again I apoligize!!!
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Don't worry about the apology, as I'm sure you can understand I am as defensive as you are about people that complain about the police. We both know there are plenty of those to go around and we also know what those people are usually like.
I'm glad you have realized that next time you have to move faster but how about let's just hope there is not a next time. Nobody should ever have to go through that even once so let's not make it more than once. I do give you a big kudos for coming back and am glad to see there is at least one other person on this board as crazy as I am that is willing to dodge bullets for pittance.
As always, be safe. From a 10-96 friend.
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[#000080][size 2]Damn wet behind the ears young and dumb cops. Some of these guys can barely shave[ ][cool][ ] [/size][/#000080]
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Wet behind the ears from all the fish we are catching!!!
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[  ][green] Hey now the last time I responded to one of these I needed to apoligize. but I will have you know, I checked I am not wet, and I have the kitty lick off the little wiskers I do have every there[  ]