06-20-2015, 09:00 AM
Stuart and Barb came down from Sevierville today, Stuart to fish with me and Barb to shop with Mary and visit. Since today is Mary&#39;s birthday, I thought I would give her the best gift I could and go away for a while! I&#39;m sure it was appreciated.<br /><br />Stuart couldn&#39;t buy a bite at first. I managed a 52, a 22, and 4 other fish 10&#43; pounds. Finally, I couldn&#39;t stand the whimpering and gave Stuart my rod and my side of the boat. I even quit fishing for a while. We also watched another friend in a boat nearby catch a number of good fish and helped him weigh the largest. F I N A L L Y Stuart caught a nice 12 pound fish and a second over 10 pounds. The whining decreased to a level I could live with. The wind came up and we decided to quit for the day and headed home. Stuart pouted. I think he sucked his thumb all the way home. emoBig
<br /><br />Today&#39;s pictures:<br /><br />