06-23-2015, 06:38 AM
Hey everybody, been a while since I've had time to post on here. Anywhere, I was wondering if anyone had some basic equipment recommendations. There's three main things I'm looking to buy: 1-Flash Lights-I want one with high lumens and one that isn't going to quit working soon. I'm hoping to hear someones personal positive experience with one. 2-Either a Headlamp, Spot Lamp or lantern. Looking for the same qualities as number 1. 3- Either a Machete, Saw, or something to cut obnoxious weeds, tree branches or shrubs. Just looking for one that will cut obnoxious weeds like thistles easily but not go dull or break or whatever relatively quick. Thanks for the replies. Hopefully I can get me in a fishing trip so i Can give a report .