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fishing buddy drama, as the bobber turns
Just a clarification, its not me he is talking[Smile]
Sorry man, should have known someone had that screen name
I apologize and drop the subject.
That's ok, I have a similar problem, people always say "why don't you ever take me fishing?" then when you ask them, well I cannot go then, I have this or that going on that day. I always respond, well you let me know when you want to go, and I will take you out, because if you go or not, I am going fishing.
[#0000FF]Now that this thread has "developed" a bit, I feel inclined to add a little more. I already posted my "Fishing Buddy Application". I did not elaborate on the reasons for my putting it together. But I am attaching below a short writeup I excreted a long time ago about a REAL ex fishing buddy named Bob.

Over my (many) years of fishing I have encountered just about every imaginable fishing buddy situation. Murphy's Law being what it is, there have been more adverse encounters than positive ones. Thankfully, there have been enough good ones...and newly formed long-lasting fishing friendships...that I have maintained an open mind to keep trying out new fishing buddies.

I suppose my worst complaint about fishing "first dates" is blatant disregard for a meetup time schedule. Like many anglers I like to be on the water at first light...not only for the typically better fishing at daybreak but for the esthetics of a new day beginning on a lovely lake...or stream. If I tell a "trip beggar" to be at a certain place at a certain time I expect/demand that they be there waiting when I show up early. I subscribe to the philosophy of "Lombardi Standard Time". If you are on time, you are late. God bless the "late" Vince Lombardi.

In my younger and mellower days I would sometimes wait a long time for a tardy new fishing buddy to show up at the appointed spot. But too many of those situations...sitting there fuming and realizing that I might miss the best fishing of the day...caused me to become more callous and unforgiving. In my older and more crotchety years I give fair warning. I tell first time candidates that they have no more than a five minute tolerance window...before I leave without them. And they never get second chances. As the old saying goes: "You only have one chance to make a good first impression."

Do I practice what I preach? I defy ANY other angler with whom I have gone fishing to state that they have been the first to arrive. And NO...I do not sleep over at the spot just to make sure that happens. But I do believe that it takes just as much planning to be late as early. My planning includes setting my alarm to allow plenty of time to get out the door in time to avoid messing up a fellow angler. Don't know why others can't figure that out for themselves.
Over the years, as TD has stated, I have had several different fishing partners, TD being one of them ( He moved to Tucson and that was too long of a drive ). I am now retired ( Today is my last day of work.) and I plan on making use of my free time by doing more fishing.

I have a couple of friends that are recovering ( one is not recovering) that I will be getting on the water as a diversion from the problems they are dealing with. I my three grand kids that are begging me to take them fishing, and I have an associate who's 13 year old is addicted and needs to get out on the water.

Sooo, my fishing options for fishing buddies is pretty much filled. If I need more, there is always the Disabled Vets that need to get out. And last but not least, I plan on invading TD's space on the water, he's had it all to himself for way to long !! I will be using the BIG RED SKEETER for the most part, but will also use the toon too !!

Let the games begin !!!
Holy Smokes! Bob either changed his name or comes from a very large family.
Very good write up and all to true, Had me laughing out loud. I have been in all those situations, along with plenty more too numerous to relate.

Just dodged a Charlie situation last night when a different buddy wanted to bring along his wife along because she gets lonely without him (she doesn't fish) But would be willing to read a book. thanks see ya

Thanks for the funny true story, I don't feel so special anymore.
The only reason I am pecking these keys today is that I lost my kill switch lanyard and had to order another.

Don't feel like its very wise to go alone without it. Especially since Im not very good at boating yet.

Take care
I had a somewhat similar situation when an angler brought along his approximately four-year-old child. We had been scheduling a trip for a couple weeks and were to meet up near the lake. I drove up and he asked if it was OK if his daughter joined us on the fishing outing. I have no problem taking children fishing, but if I am inviting a guest I feel they should ask in advance if it is OK if they also bring someone else along, including a child. I couldn't bring myself to answer no, with the child standing by his side, so I said OK. We never got 500 feet from the dock before the youngster was crying for her mother. Last trip with that angler.
I thought for sure it was you he was talking about[:p][:p][:p]
[#0000FF]Congrats on the retirement. Bet you thought it would never get here.

Okay, now you are about out of excuses for why we can't go fishing together. I might even "change religions" and get in your boat with you...if I'm not late for a meetup.
Hey wshiwsfshn, I had to look at that photo of your new fishin buddy quite awhile. At first I thought that pooch was so relaxed on the boat he was sleepin on his head kinda funny...[:/] then I realized the photo was sideways....
Last 4 legged partner I had was a female Golden. Had to have her put down back in 2013. Was a great fishin buddy. Was never late, never ate my lunch, and knew when to duck down out of the way when I was working a fish around the side of the boat.
Most recent one tends to get a bit "sea sick" so he doesn't go often.
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder
He really sleeps in odd positions! I don't know how you get your bud to not eat your lunch, mine stares holes in mine until I share!
I think my fishing buddy sleeps in the same position[cool]
Your time has come !!
Oh this oughta be good[Tongue]
I never really thought about this until now. I realize when I suggest to another person that we go fishing together they agree with a very open "ya we should sometime". Now I realize I do the same thing and now I know why. I have three neighbors always stop by when my boats out to see if we could get out together. My answer is "ya we should sometime". I even think about the few time times I have and I always meet them at the water so that when they start crying about going home they can, alone.

I fish alone 95% of the time. The other 5% is because I love my kids. I thought (until this thread) that it was because I had no close friends, but with all your help I realize its because I don't want any.
I have been that dedicated fisherman on the beach when a kind boater invited me onto their boat. Got to say I usually make a new friend that way and it works out for me.

Having met over 150 BFT'ers and having fished with over 75 members on here I can assure you most of us frequenting this site are just as "messed up in the head for the fishing", as it was put to me once. Fishing buddies can make experiences and memories that will last a lifetime.

The best part though comes from the knowledge you will gain from fishing with others. Even the newbies will teach you a thing or two. I owe all of my success to every fisherman that has gone out there with me.
Oh I agree with learning stuff and meeting folks,
That's why I mentioned if I see that guy fishing his guts out off the dock or the bank again I just might putt over and ask if he wants to go.
I always make sure I have an extra pfd for just such an occasion.
The only reason I did not on the day in question (among many) was that I was already disappointed and figured I would be lousy company.

I know I said he might sue my arse off if something bad happened, Then later realized heck whatcha gonna get? Im broke anyway lol!

I did not mean to give the impression that I think the whole fish world is full of thoughtless jerks.

I figure most of the folks who frequent this site are fisherman and fishladies.
I have just had a streak of bad luck picking partners lately.

Just like fishing my luck will change, And besides I am far from perfect my own self and quite aware of it.

I enjoy when another shares the adventure and memories made,

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