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Jordan River
Hello BFT. So now days I pretty much just go to school or work so I don't have much time to fish or if I do then I don't really have time to post it but today I have a little time. So today was a GREAT catching day. Only problem is it mostly was what I didn't want. Small mud cats lol. But it was a really good day because I didn't even really plan on doing well. I fished during whats usually the crappy part of the day: Noon till 5. I was just trying to kill time cause I have a group project but can't do my part until everyone else does theirs. So I caught A LOT. Probably 20-30 fish in about 5 hours. The Sad part is that a lot of that 5 hours was spent filleting my one suck and 2 dinky carps I managed to catch and driving/walking to a new spot when I wanted to try getting away from the mud cats. I got away from the small mud cats but replaced them with small carp. I was hoping for a lot bigger carp or sucker for bait or regular channels. Oh well, somethings better than nothing.

Below I've also attached some pictures of some more note worthy catches of the few times I've gotten to go out this summer. Some channel cats and one sucker that was really big were the main ones. By the way, how deep is most of Utah Lake with our low water level? Decided to take my float tube out and although I didn't have an anchor, I had my fishing poles which are over 6 feet tall and couldn't feel the bottom. Might be a deeper spot than Utah lake Wink. Fish size/type sure didn't indicate it when I fished it today. Oh well, at least the next time I get to go out I will have bait for what I really want: Channel cats Smile.
Its always fun to catch fish. No matter the species. I had much rather catch carp and mud cats than a skunk. Enjoy your catching.

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