07-10-2015, 09:00 AM
On Friday I was scheduled to head out with Clint Bailey and his pretty wife, Katie. Clint has fished with me a bunch of times, but this was to be the first time for Katie. Clint really wanted her to experience a little &quot;Taste of Scenic City City Fishing.&quot;<br /><br />We were heartbroken when we woke up to rain. emoRain Katie wasn&#39;t really keen on getting soaking wet. But we kept a close eye on the radar and saw a window of opportunity about 9 am, and we went for it.<br /><br />We got in about two hours of fishing before the next storm blew in on us, but those two hours stayed very active. For starters I hooked up a solid 8-pounder about 50 feet deep and let Katie reel it in (as I ALWAYS do with clients). A short time later I heard Katie exclaim, &quot;I got one.&quot; emoEek <br /><br />I turned around to see her rod bowed down, and it wasn&#39;t giving. After a few seconds I saw this was going to be a solid fish and went for the i-Phone Video. CLICK HERE if you want to watch.<br /><br />I don&#39;t think I&#39;ve ever been happier to see somebody hook up on a big blue. emoBig Clint had already told me that, to date, her biggest catfish might have weighed two pounds. Katie was a little bit overwhelmed by the power. At one point when the fish made a hard run, she whimpered a little and asked, &quot;What am I supposed to do when he does that?&quot;<br /><br />I wasn&#39;t quite sure how to answer that question. emoConfused <br /><br />She was worried about her line breaking, but I knew the 50 lb. braid would hang tough and as you can see in the vid, she whipped him. It was one of those post-spawn blues that should have weighed a solid 30 or even 35 lbs., but it still came in at 26. We were happy campers. There is a TARP Award in Katie&#39;s future.<br /><br />No more trophy fish, but we stuck at least eight or ten more solid fish in the 8 - 10 lb. class. And with all due respect to Clint, Katie whipped his butt on size and numbers. emoPoke <br /><br />She caught her last one just as the bottom was about to fall out of an approaching storm so we snapped a quick picture, then cut &amp; ran. But it was one of the best two hours trips I&#39;ve had in years, and that means life is good and gettin&#39; better every day.<br />