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UL fishing in the Dark?
If the storms cells clear out I will be hitting the lake at the Lindon marina for some cats. I am always just a little nervous to be out alone at night. If anyone else feels the same we could fish the same general area and have each other's backs. (I do have room for one person in my boat if you wanted to meet there). I like to get on before dusk and leave around 2am. Or get on around 4am and leave around 10 am. Unless the fishing is very good or very poor. The only reason I would cut it short would be for safety reasons Or abdominal emergencies. I am not working until Monday night and hope to get out a couple of times before then. So if your interested let me know. I fish near the "bubble up" usually. I do not get any further out there than that because I am afraid of those ugly winds.

If you are new to this like I was last year and just want to see what it's about I would be happy to have you on my boat. I could fit 2 if you had a youngster or needed to make it a date night.

When I have been out I have been catching 1 every 10 to 20 minutes or less. Does anybody have an educated guess on what these storms might do to the fishing success for the cats?
How did the trip end up? Not sure that I would like being solo on a boat at night.
I met FishMcFisherson at the ramp at 3am and we fished until noon. The weather was great but the catching was a little slow all around and especially for me. Fish landed 5 or six with the biggest around 24 inches. I on the other hand got a goose egg. I am knot sure what I was doing different but I am going to work on it.

It was a pleasure to fish with him and hope to do it again sometime. I didn't mind the beating he put on me. And he did not rub it in either. I consider a successful trip.

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