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Wilard 7-18 report
We got to the gate before 6 saturday morning, there were few boats awaiting the gate opening. The weather was cloudy but wind low ofcourse until we got on the water. We headed to north dike and got trolling hoping for some early eyes, we picked up one wiper on rapala ( pic attached). We trolled down to the NW corner and wind had picked up most everyone bugged out. We worked the NW with no luck. around 11 we head back north and I throw a bottom bouncer with worm harness and the wiper action picked up north dike 400 yards along dike straight out for marina. We made couple passes and it was all worm harness bites, we changed three pole to BB and went until we ran out of worms. Keep enough for a everyone to have a dinner. We were getting 2 to 3 wipers per worm and the little channel kitties would destroy them caught a few of the little guys and gave em back. Good day on the bay!!! now have to get the wiper smell out of the LW good grief do they stink up the well.
Good job getting a few for dinner. Using bottom bouncers how fast were you trolling.
Tried to stay around 1.7 to 1.9
That's FAST for a bottom bouncer! It's hard to keep them down at speeds over about 1.0 in my experience, and I prefer half that. Perhaps you were using more weight than I generally do, though.
I agree faster than I would normally walleye troll. With wilard being so shallow and enough line out it was not a problem, they were ticking nicely. The strikes were hard also could tell the difference on the hit between the little kitties and the wipers.

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