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Kokanee are kicking my butt..
I have tried lucky peak 3 times and Anderson ranch twice in the past few weeks. Caught 1 stinking koke.. I did catch a 4.5lb squaw fish at 80' at anderson. I'm running down rigger with two poles fishing depths others say they are getting them at using similar gear. I caught more earlier this year using the wrong stuff and doing everything wrong.
Saw tons of fish on the fish finder, changed depth every pass and nothing. Using dodgers pink on one pole, blue on the other, and a pink hootchie on one pole and a pro troll on the other.

Help a brother out.....
imo, you cant go wrong with pink, but you may have to try dark, light, pink and white, pink and ??.

but what I don't see is how fast are you trolling ?
I like 1.5 to 1.9 and a lot of s turns.

how far back is the hoochie from the dodger? 6 to 9 inches.
that's what I can offer right now. other than I think the season is done, at least for my boat.
I can't help you for the specific waters you mention but old reliable PPP gear and wedding rings seem to do the trick everywhere. I've been fishing 35' until the sun has been shining a while then end up around 50'. I troll 1-1.3mph. Berkeley gulp maggots pink on my wedding rings.
Why is season done for your boat. My beast (Bluewater escape) will be getting dunked until it is too cold out..
Fished Anderson saturday,definately slowed down. Fish have moved to 65-70 ft. down. The few we caught was with red dodgers/pink hoochie/shoepeg corn at 1.0 mph
I haven't fished Anderson for several years but we fish Flaming Gorge fairly often thru the summer. The last several trips to include last weekend I went to trolling a # 1 Apex hot spot in pink and white tipped with a couple of pink Gulp maggots soaked in Mike's shrimp scent. I use the entire length of leader which is probably 2 feet long and attach it to a sling blade. the last couple weeks the hot color sling blade for us was the white glow splashed with hot pink and a pink stripe down the middle. The longer leader keeps the hot spot from rolling over when I troll at 1.6 to 1.9 MPH or so. We were running from 45 to 50 FT. deep. We can only keep 3 kokes apiece at the Gorge but they are nice ones.
what I meant was im done fishing for kok's.
Don't worry my boat is on the water all year for some type of fish.[Wink]
I think you must have been replying to crappieslayer's post.

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