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Wall Lake
Made the short hike to Wall Lake Saturday morning with a buddy. The Crystal Lake Trailhead lot was overflowing so I expected to see a bunch of people up there. We got to the lake about 6:30 and not one person was up fishing. I threw out my first line and caught maybe an 8" rainbow. We thought this was the best place ever, no people and fist cast one fish caught. Well, we didn't catch a thing for the next 2 hrs. tried the fly rod, bubble and a fly, spinners etc. A bunch more people started to show up as well so we took off.

We went down to Lost Lake and the same thing happened. First cast caught and my buddy caught his first fish after 4 outings getting skunked. Couldn't have been happier for him. We managed to catch small bows pretty steadily for a few hours. All with a bubble and worm. So much all the other lures and spinner and flys we brought. It was a good time and glad my buddy got rid of the skunk for a weekend.
Thanks for sharing
Good report thanks
That 1st shot makes it look so peaceful and of the many reasons I love the Uintas!
Agreed. As we hiked up I told my buddy to get ready for a "standing room only" concert once we got to the lake but was pleasantly surprised that wasn't the case for a good hour or so.

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