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musky figure 8
Has anybody had a musky hit in a figure 8 at pineview. When ever i have a follow all the way to the boat and go into a figure 8 they take off. Not sure if it is my technique or if they just don't hit on it for everybody
Yes we got our first ate the 8 this year along with others. Keep doing the a follow... shadow from boat should be considered on all follows...FWIW...
What K2 said..... Keep doing the figure 8s. In years past I always did an L turn or oval at the boat on every cast, especially if I had a follower, and picked up a number of fish that way, but I never did figure 8s. Well last year I got one to follow, then go deep at the boat so I decided to give a figure 8 a try. As soon as the lure came out of the first turn of the 8 the rod loaded up, and a 36"er was my reward! I still wasn't doing it every cast though, and it wasn't until this year when I started fishing with a new partner who does it every cast that I got into the habit. Just last week I had two fish hit (and miss) on blind figure 8s at the boat, and yesterday, two of my three fish caught were at the beginning of an 8 at the boat with 18" of line out. Talk about a handful!

One important thing that you'll want to do once you hook one is to keep the fish moving forward. Assuming that you have musky gear, I like to take the fish for a "walk" around the boat. Put your tip down and keep moving forward around the boat. As the fish moves forward, the hook will drive into its mouth better, and by the time you get it under control, your partner should be there with net . This is considerably harder on bigger fish, and I will often put the casting reel (you can't do this with a spinning reel) into free spool, and just use my thumb pressure to keep pressure on the fish until I get it under control. Controlling a figure 8 fish is also a lot more difficult when you're by yourself, since you have to net it too, but it can be done if you're prepared for it.

Obviously, none of this works if you're fishing from shore, or using light tackle. But stick with it. You'll get one on an 8 sooner or later. Good Luck! Fred K.
Thanks I do an L or an 8 into the boat every time. Seems like when I have a a follower all the way to the boat once I go into the 8 they swim off I usually do at least 5 big slow 8's even if the seem to have left just to make sure they are not hiding out if sight. I will keep at it. Do you ever get second takers one that will follow it in again on a throw back I only have once. But you have to keep trying. I have had lots of follows this year but only been able too catch 4.
Try speeding up your lure on the figure 8. Basically with an 8 you're trying to get a reaction strike from the fish. In a figure 8 the lure runs slower in the turns and faster in the straight away giving the fish a few different presentations. You can also push the rod tip deeper into the water, and then bring the lure back up while doing an 8. I've had this trigger strikes too. Again, a different presentation. Some lures will figure 8 better than others, so you'll have to play around with it.

As for "throw backs", I've caught a number of fish doing this. Swim jigs and large tubes are great for this. Earlier this year I had a fish "bulge" behind my top water bait, but not take it. I told my buddy who was fishing a swim jig to throw in behind me, and sure enough he hooked and landed this 36" fish (see pic). That was the first time that we've been able to do that.... a musky double team! Good luck, Fred K.

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