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Jmax, Nick/Chick, Bass, CFF Classic, 10/17,18/15, CCSM
Not a whole lot to report. My Fall bust continues. I made a short run down to the Nick last week and found a pretty good top water bite. Put 10 bass in the boat with four nice keepers going about 9.5 lbs. I had not been down there since the last CFF so I was good with that. I thought if I could do that in the classic and then have a normal day on the Chick I might win. emoAngel Me and James struggled. Like mentioned already the wind changed, the temps dropped and the fishing lunar charts had this weekend as one of the worst. I lost two keepers, one a buzz and one on a worm. emoBang We boated five shorts. Came in Skunked. Nice day on the water. Leafs are changing and the Fall is in the air. Time to go deer hunting. Blessed to be able to participate none the less. emoThumbsup <br /><br />The Frog bite had turn off on the Chick and I hate punching grass so we decided to worm fish drop offs near grass on the Chick. First fish I boated was just a hair over three. emoThumbsup Off to a good start. Then we must have boated six or seven shorts. emoRolleyes Moved around looking for the big fish, finally had another good one load up on my shakey and in came a three and a halfer. emoTongue Now that was more like it. It was starting to warm up some so I told James I had a couple places I wanted to hit with top water just to see. Got there and the main grass was only in about one foot after the water was sucked down over two! emoDoh Move out to a little scattered grass in about three foot and had one solid two and a half explode on a buzz. Got excited and thought now this will work. Not meant to be. Moved about twenty yards and another good fish exploded on it, rod doubled, 65 lb braid held, tried to pull it up and out of the grass and she just came unbuttoned. emoMad One more blow up on the buzz but that one missed it. Would not give me a second try. Sad Went to a trap and had five more shorts. James never had a keeper, he did managed five shorts. Our three went 9.13 lbs which to my surprise was the best for that day, we needed those two others from the Nick. Would of taken second. emoBawl Ended up fifth overall.<br /><br />Had a good time this year. Congrats to Leonard on AOY and Tim Thornberry on his Classic Win. emoWorthy See you all next year. emoBigSmile Jmax

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