11-09-2015, 10:00 AM
<br /> I called Steven around 7 and told him we need to put in at Harrison Bay since the winds got up so bad, we were planning on putting in at the dam. We ended up at WT ramp since they had finished the patchwork on ramp.. We started around 9 And ran to a couple and trying to stay out of the CBA guys way. Steven boated our first fish on a Jig. Steven said he wanted to go to a spot we fished last weekend in the Halloween Tourney, so we went there and when I put the trolling motor down I said, man the grass is almost gone. The water was up a foot or so from last week.<br /> We started casting on it and the wind was blowing in on the small mat. Steven And I was just standing there talking smack and cutting up when a fish sucked my frog under. I set the hook and the fight began. I thought at first it was 7 or 8lbs. She ran out of the grass and was pulling hard, then I noticed my reel loose and I was trying to tighten it up!! I told Steven I need help, heck we didn&#39;t even have the net out!! The fish then turned and went back in the grass and started digging on me!! It never jumped 1 time..... Finally, I wore her down and got her next to the boat and Steven lipped her and handed her to me. I said, I think this fish is over 10 or 11 lbs. <br /> I was kinda useless after a while from the excitement. We went to another area and I was on the phone talking, when Steven hooked another good on which was our 2nd best of the day 5lbs 8ozs, he just boat flipped grass and all into the boat. Steven pretty much kicked my butt the rest of the day. I would miss a good one then he would follow up and catch it. Our best 3 was 21lbs. Our best five were close to 25lbs. We did miss a lot today as well but we were lucky to land the one&#39;s we did. The length was 22 inches and the girth was 21 inches. Of course I released her and may have a replica mount off of her. I want to give thanks to Norris and Pratt for weighing it and I don&#39;t remember the guys name at the ramp that took some of our pics for us and let me use is his scales as well.