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Huntington or Cleveland???
I've been reading Big Fish Tackle for a couple years now and finally made an account to join the fun. My finals end this week and as a reward my Dad and I are going to hit the ice, but wanted to try either Huntington or Cleveland. Anyone have a preference or suggestion on which one would be better? I'm not looking for your honey holes but just an idea on where would be a good place to start. We thought about Scofield but wanted to try a new place. Thanks!
Welcome to BFT! Haven't heard much on Cleveland but lots of ice at Huntington.
Be prepared for deep snow at either one of them.
[quote P-soup03]My finals are about to finish too! Either one will be good as far as I can tell. You just have to locate the fish![/quote]

Have you seen them in shallow or deep?
Welcome to the site. From the reports I have read, Huntington has been fishing good for tiger trout but the catching can be slow, depending on the day you fish it. It is a little easier to access the ice there.
Cleveland have been fishing a little better than Huntington for decent sized bows but it's a little tougher to access the ice there.
As mentioned, with all the snow we have received, it could be difficult to get to either lake. Good luck, no matter where you go and please let us know how you do.
These shots are from the traffic cams on hwy 31. Looks a bit dicey to me. I would think it would be easier to get into scofield.
Not sure scofield would be much better, until they are able to get out a plow and salt the roads better but where ever he goes, it would be a good idea to bring along a set or two of chains.
Soldier summit looks pretty nasty right now.
Thanks for the heads up on the road conditions, I don't plan on going until Saturday so I will pay attention to the roads. Hopefully by the end of the week they get better.
Huntington was great fishing three weeks ago (probably caught 25), but the last time I went, it was rather slow (9 fish all day). I was going to try and fish Cleveland but I took one look at the hike to get to the ice and that changed my mind. Hiking out of Cleveland would be tough. I stayed around the 20 foot contour when I was fishing Huntington. The fish usually hit small stuff after luring them in with larger jigs. Largest fish was a BEAUTIFUL 20" tiger. Hope that info helps and good luck.

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