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basscrazy, Chickamauga, crappie, 12/12/2015, Tristan Lowe
Little late but ill post anyway. We started out the morning out of Skull Island next to an area where we have found a pile of Mallards roosting trying to kill a few. That plan fell apart at 7:05 when every last one of them flew off their roost right over the top of us exactly four minutes before legal shooting light. emoBang After giving up on that we took out and went to Harrison Bay to try and catch a few crappie. After reading some of the recent reports I went to some docks with descent depth shooting BGs and 1/16 oz heads, we caught a few doing that but it was slow. We then switched to tuffies under a bobber with a 5-6 feet leader, that was the ticket. We continued to fish docks until dark. We ended up with 46 keepers and probably another 20 shorts, we brought home 30 11+inchers for the freezer.

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